
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Former Friendship Church Renewed for Community Services


The former St. Andrew's Episcopal rectory, offices and church, located at 28-32 East Main Street, are being renewed by the What God is Doing in Friendship NY alliance of churches to offer more services for the community 

FRIENDSHIP, NY - A group of Friendship churches is embarking on a venture for greater combined use of a former East Main Street church as a community outreach center to provide new and expanded activities and assistance for area individuals and families.

The former St. Andrew's Episcopal Church rectory and offices at 28-32 East Main Street, currently known as The Mission House, along with the church and grounds, now owned by the Friendship Bible Baptist Church, will be used for a multi-congregation base for the initiative.

Church Pastor Duane Broadwell said this type of community activity was the vision of the church when it acquired the property several years ago, with the rectory having been updated cosmetically over a period of time to provide for additional, complementary uses.

“When Friendship pastors started meeting together a year ago, praying and seeking to determine community needs, it became more and more apparent that much more is able to be accomplished by working together with an overall ministry focus, rather than having an uncoordinated mixture of programs,” he said.

The intent is to provide opportunities for area residents to connect with services they may not know about and to provide, over time, for a range of support activities for individuals and families.

Pastor Kirk Kirch of the United Church of Friendship, which is located across the street from The Mission House and is one of the participating churches, said that individuals and families of all ages with needs are of concern to pastors and their congregations but that children, youth and young families will continue to be a major focus, as was identified early in the process as the churches came together last year to engage in joint outreach ministry. 

He noted that although various community churches already have specific ministries and available space, use of the additional facilities on a community-wide basis will help expand what currently is able to be offered.

Pastor Kevin Palmiter of Followers of the Way - Nile Community Church said this approach already has been demonstrated as successful many times over during the past many months as more than two dozen initiatives have been undertaken by the churches, including promotion of other Christian and community activities which individuals otherwise might not have been familiar with or have had available.

He noted establishment of the What God is Doing in Friendship ny group Facebook page which is used to help provide awareness for area services and activities on a broad basis, along with a monthly newsletter by the same name, and cross-posting of information to group Facebook pages of the three churches which have formed the foundation for this new cooperative initiative.

Churches have been assisted in development of the What God is Doing in Friendship NY alliance of churches by Allegany Hope, a Christian outreach ministry which has a focus of helping bring together churches and other Christian organizations to do much more with less proportional effort.

Casey Jones, executive director of the organization, said the clergy group currently is determining what already is available within and to the community and is continuing ministry components which not only will be carried out at The Mission Center location but at other churches, and even other suitable locations, as appropriate, within the community and elsewhere.

He said the churches envisioned several months ago that a joint children, youth and families pastor or director should be enlisted to aid in this effort in either a full-time or part-time capacity, undertaken on whatever timetable God determines.

In the meantime, it is expected that ministries will be developed at the handicapped-accessible Mission Center to serve individuals and families as they relate to various types of educational support, such as marriage and families, parenting, conflict resolution, employment, entrepreneurship, financial management, mental health and wellness, men's and women's studies, and more.

Activities also are being planned to engage the entire family and its components, such as women and men and their children.

Community suggestions as to perceived needs are welcome, along with Christians of any age who may have an interest or passion in helping others overcome any of the broad range of challenges which family members experience as part of life.

Information can be forwarded to or (585) 664-9989, along with requests to be placed on an email list to be notified of various activities as they are developed and offered.

The recently-introduced group Facebook page, which provides ongoing information on upcoming activities and services, can be joined, at no cost, at

One of the first major events being planned is for expansion of last fall's successful Family Day and Wellness Fair, held in September, Jones said.