
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Wellsville: Grand Theater to scale back shows-will remain open

While the Grand Theater on Main Street in Wellsville isn't closing, it will scale back show times beginning in September. The owner says the twin cinema just doesn't have enough traffic to maintain the current schedule of movies. In a Facebook posting, the business said that it will “cut the 9 p.m. late show out of the time lineup Sunday night through Thursday night.” The post continued to say “we have been open every night with an early and late evening show since 1940 and it kills me to be the one to have to make this choice but there is no alternative.” The owner said they will remain open seven days a week and will offer a late night show on Friday and Saturday. Regular afternoon matinees will continue on Saturday, Sunday and holidays. The owner went on the say “I love this theatre and will always strive as long as I’m alive to ensure its survival whether or not I am personally the owner, however it takes more than me alone. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone, so unless you want another Main Street pigeon house falling in, get off the computers and come support something that is a gem to your community and is completely restored beautifully for your enjoyment. The choice is yours Wellsville. I hope you make the right one!”