
Monday, February 15, 2021

Seven complete training for Swain Ski Patrol


For Immediate Release

All Candidates Pass Ski and Toboggan Test at Swain Ski Patrol

Successful class adds seven new Alpine Patrollers to Roster

[Swain, NY] Valentine’s Day saw a sweet success for the 2021 class of candidates at Swain Ski Patrol. The sled handling and ski skills course, S & T, for Ski and Tobaggan, concluded Sunday with 100% of the candidates passing the rigorous test. Emma Duprey, Kelly Hanks, Sara Lee Goins, Diione Fox-Murch, Andre Osores, Jason Hill, and Mattox Olsen now are fully qualified Alpine Patrollers in the National Ski Patrol system.

The class has been meeting every Saturday and Sunday since the beginning of 2021.  A combination of excellent ski conditions and highly motivated candidates has resulted in the courses being completed much sooner than most years.

National Ski Patrol was formed in the 1930s to provide safety and first aid for the recreational ski industry. The training for patrollers consists of a first aid course taught in the fall and the Ski and Toboggan course taught during the winter season. Swain Ski Patrol is an all-volunteer organization.  Candidates must be at least fifteen years old to begin training and sixteen to patrol with full responsibilities. Some patrollers now are using snowboards. Patrollers usually cover one shift every week. The ski area management gives each member of ski patrol a season pass, as well as extra benefits of a buddy pass, so that a friend may ski or ride with them for free, or they may choose a family season pass.

The Swain Ski Patrol is now seeking new members to begin training for the 2021-2022 candidate training year. An Open House is planned at Swain for Saturday March 20 at 10 AM. A limited number of potential candidates will be given free all-day lift tickets for this event.  Participation in the open house is by no means an obligation to join Ski Patrol. It is a chance for skiers and snow boarders to have a look close up as to what the men and women in the red coats do.

Participants are asked to pre-register by emailing or calling membership coordinator Steve Walker at 607-382-3195.