
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Alma: Town to have more face time with a judge

Town of Alma officials will spend more time in court as the dispute between the town board and highway superintendent continues. An Article 78 hearing has been scheduled for September 24th at 9:30 a.m. in Little Valley. An Article 78 proceeding is used to appeal the decision of a New York State or local agency to the New York courts. Cattaraugus County Judge Jeremiah J. Moriarty III will oversee the proceeding. Town Supervisor Ron Staedt said Wednesday evening the town is seeking a declaratory judgement. The issue involves Highway Superintendent Dan Ford. Last year, the town board stopped recognizing Ford as the highway boss. The hearing will determine if the town actually has the authority to unseat an independently elected official. Staedt said the judges July 18th order could be "loosely interpreted."
Meanwhile, a community group posted this message on Facebook:

ATTENTION: Sunday September 8th @ 2p.m. we (residents) will be holding a community meeting for the residents of Alma and Allentown. This meeting will be regarding what is happening in our town along with proof of information. This meeting will be held at the Dickerson residence, 204 Pump Station Road, Alma NY. If you have questions or need answers please join us! We need to get our town back! Hope to see you there 🙂

* This has been requested by many citizens and if anyone from the Alma Town Board would like to attend and show proof that we are wrong please do. EVERYONE is welcome.