
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Wellsville: Planning begins for replacement of Madison Street bridge over railroad tracks

When the Allegany County Public Works Committee meets on June 27th, it will be asked to create and fund a Capital Account for the Madison Street Bridge Project in the Village of Wellsville. That's the bridge that takes traffic over the Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad. The Committee will also be requested to enter into an agreement for funding with New York State Department of Transportation. Here is some of the information that has been provided to lawmakers:

Public Works requests a resolution be prepared approving an Agreement with NYS Department of Transportation for the Replacement of Bridge BIN 2255160, Madison Street over WNY & PA Railroad, Village of Wellsville.
These funds cover the cost of Design and Right of Way Incidentals. The local share is broken down into 85% County and 15% Town. The County share will come from transferring remaining funds in Capital Project H5935, CR43 Bridge.
Funding should be appropriated to the following accounts which are to be created:
Total Appropriation to:
H5965.200 Wellsville, Madison Street Bridge $384,000
Funding From:
H5965.4097.00 Federal Aid – 80% $307,200
H5965.3097.00 State Aid Marchiselli Aid– 15% $ 57,600
H5965.2300.00 Town Revenue $ 2,880
H5935.200 (transfer from) Angelica, CR43 Bridge $ 16,320
FISCAL IMPACT: $16,320.00

Now, according to the contract paperwork, the $384,000 only covers the engineering and design and right of way 'incidentals.' The project is in the early phase, but the contract calls for an end date of December 31, 2023.