
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Bill Locke with "My View"


I can't figure out why some people get their panties in a wad over our flag. The flag is a symbol of what has made our country great. The colors are interpreted differently by everyone. Nothing wrong with that. 
To me, the flag represents the ultimate sacrifice by too many of our men and women who have chosen to serve, protect and defend this great nation. This is not only about military but also police, fire fighters, first responders, homeland security - the list goes on. These are My heroes. They step up and do what needs doing.
President Trump IS my President - as was O'Bama, Bush, Clinton, etal.  I respect the office. I don't always agree with what they say & do but they are still the leader of my country.
After years of hearing lies, hate and vitriol spewed by politicians, billionaires, celebrities, newscasters, teachers,  journalists, etc., I get irritated by those "experts" who have all the answers. We need to agree to disagree.  Walk a mile in someones shoes before you verbally abuse them in public for their opinion.  Everyone has an opinion and it's not necessarily in agreement with yours. Get over it.We should be a united people (MY opinion). We are the United States of America.
We are blessed to live in a country with abundant freedoms. These should never be taken for granted.  Goose bumps when the flag is paraded, tears when TAPS is played - things that the protected seldom understand.
Bill Locke    Vietnam '68-'69