
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Minutes: Allegany County Board of Health

 Board of Health

Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2024


The following board members were present: Timothy LaFever, Dr. Joseph Felsen MD, Dr. Leo Cusumano MD, Dr. Zahi Kassas MD., Dr. Willard Simons

Others present: April Worth, Jami D’Arcy, Emily Owczarzak, Breeyan Barnes, Tyler Shaw

Board Members absent: Dr. David Brubaker MD, Legislative Representative Janice Burdick

Medical Consultant present: Dr. Saket Prasad

The meeting was called to order by Tyler Shaw at 7:06 pm.

A motion was made by Tim LaFever to approve the March 12, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Dr. Felsen. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

A motion was made by Tim LaFever to approve the June 11, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Dr. Felsen. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

Tyler Shaw reported personnel changes as follows:

• The following positions within ACDOH have been filled: Supervising Public Health Educator, Public Health Educator, 2 Early Intervention Service Coordinators, Public Health Sanitarian, and a Public Health Fellow

• The following positions are open: Public Health Technician

Program updates:

• H5N1 (Avian Influenza) is still being monitored by NYSDOH and ACDOH. ACDOH would be tasked with collecting human samples, while New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) would be tasked with collecting animal samples, if there were suspected cases of H5N1 within Allegany County.

• ACDOH will be awarded over $300,000.00 from NYS for various anti-vaping outreach communications. Dr. Kassas suggested having a speaker, potentially from PPAC, do a presentation at JMH for medical staff about vaping.

Corporate Compliance:

• Meeting minutes from the 07/09/24 Corporate Compliance meeting were presented to the BOH members.

• There were no instances of fraud, waste, or abuse, this quarter.

Jami D’Arcy, Deputy Public Health Director, reported the following:

• HUD Lead Grant

o The Lead Care II machine, which will allow us to perform the finger stick blood test for lead levels, has been ordered.

o 2 RRP (renovation, repair, painting) trainings for contractors and landlords were held, with a total of 14 participants.

o Supervisor/worker lead abatement courses will be held in March 2025.

o Dr. Felsen inquired if the HEPA vacuums, used for lead abatement, are being utilized. Ms. D’Arcy stated that the vacuums have only been used a few times, to date, and staff continue to offer the use of the vacuums to the public.

April Worth, Director of Patient Services, reported that there are currently no individuals being monitored under the LHCSA Program. Ms. Worth informed the BOH members that ACDOH is in the process of surrendering their LHCSA

license, as it is no longer a requirement for the services that ACDOH provides. Moving forward, Ms. Worth will no longer report on the LHCSA Program.

Immunization Program: 95 regular immunizations were provided in the last quarter.

• Ms. Worth reported that there has been an uptick in immunization visits due to schools being back in session.

• Upcoming Flu Clinics have been scheduled, press releases were sent out today regarding the clinics.

• Currently there are approximately 7 of the school districts signed up to hold flu clinics

• ACDOH will be offering the COVID vaccine only at the Belmont office.

• Ms. Worth presented updates to the Immunization Policy and Procedure Manual to the Board. *Please see attachment. A motion to approve the Lead P&P updates was made by Dr. Kassas. Motion seconded by Dr. Simons. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

• Ms. Worth presented an updated Influenza Sliding Fee Scale to the Board. In comparison to last year, regular dose influenza vaccine had no change in price and high dose influenza vaccine has increased by $10.00. *Please see attachment. A motion to approve the updated Sliding Fee Scale was made by Dr. Kassas. Motion seconded by Dr. Simons. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

• Ms. Worth presented an updated Immunization Sliding Fee Scale to the Board. Moderna Spikevax / 91322 increased by $10.00. *Please see attachment. A motion to approve the updated Immunization Sliding Fee Scale was made by Dr. Kassas. Motion seconded by Dr. Felsen. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

Reproductive and Sexual Health (R&SH): A total of 5 clinics were held with 57 patients seen. There were 80 STI investigations conducted through the Health Department, in the last quarter.

• With college back in session, Alfred clinics have had full schedules and staff are seeing an even mix of male and female patients.

• Clinic satisfaction survey results were presented to the Board members, general discussion followed.

• Ms. Worth reported that the clinic does have VFA and VFC (for adults and children that are underinsured or uninsured) vaccine for Mpox – we do not currently carry private stock, which can be found in local Walgreens and Rite Aid pharmacies.

Tuberculosis (TB): There are currently no TB cases being monitored.

• Ms. Worth presented updates to the TB Policy and Procedure Manual to the Board. *Please see attachment. A motion to approve the TB P&P updates was made by Dr. Felsen. Motion seconded by Dr. Kassas. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

Lead Poisoning Prevention Program nursing staff is currently monitoring 29 children (for comparison, 42 children were being monitored at this time in 2023).

• Ms. Worth stated that reminder mailings for 1-year and 2-year lead testing continue to be mailed out; 89 letters were mailed for 1-year-old children and 69 letters for 2-year-old children, last quarter.

• The lead nurse has been out in the community, visiting day care centers and providing them with educational materials. She is still sending educational materials to physician offices, also.

• Ms. Worth presented updates to the Lead Policy and Procedure Manual to the Board. *Please see attachment. A motion to approve the Lead P&P updates was made by Dr. Simons. Motion seconded by Dr. Kassas. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

Ms. Worth reported that there was a total of 124 communicable disease reports conducted (giardia, legionellosis, diphtheria, and cryptosporidiosis), in the last quarter.

• Anaplasmosis cases have increased, largely due to increased testing.

• Dr. Felsen asked if the RSV vaccine for 60+ and pregnant women is being sought after. Ms. Worth replied that it is being offered through pharmacies and advised that patients should check with their insurance companies about coverage prior to getting the vaccine as it is very costly.

Accidents/Incidents/Complaints – Nothing to report.

Emily Owczarzak, Environmental Health Director, reported that, to date, there have been 4 positive specimens for rabies, 2 raccoons and 2 bats, in the towns of Hume, Allen, and Wellsville.

• ACDOH has provided 421 rabies vaccinations at rabies clinics, in 2024.

• Ms. Owczarazak stated that 5 to 10 bats are being sent for testing, per month.

• The next rabies clinic is scheduled for September 28, 2024 in Belmont at the GVCS bus garage.

• Ms. Owczarzak and Ms. D’Arcy met with the 911 center to create a process for contact with ACDOH during off-hours regarding animal bite/rabies concerns.

Ms. Owczarzak reported that there are currently 20 open lead cases. Environmental Health staff were able to close 23 existing cases, to date in 2024.

ATUPA Updates are as follows:

• Currently discussing use of billboards

• Continue to focus on youth vaping cessation

Ms. Owczarzak presented updates to the Rabies Policy and Procedure Manual to the Board. An update to the Rabies Action Plan was made. *Please see attachment. A motion to approve the Rabies P&P updates was made by Dr. Kassas. Motion seconded by Tim LaFever. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

Ms. Owczarzak presented updates to the Quality Assurance Policy and Procedure Manual to the Board. Public Health Sanitarian list was updated. *Please see attachment. A motion to approve the Rabies P&P updates was made by Dr. Felsen. Motion seconded by Tim LaFever. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

Ms. Owczarzak reported that the Sanitary Survey Manual was reviewed, and no changes were made.

Old Business –

New Business – Mr. Shaw reported that the 2025 - 2026 President/Vice President rotation is coming up. Dr. Cusumano will be stepping into the role of President and Jan Burdick, Legislative Representative, will be moving into the Vice President role.

General Discussion – Medical Consultant Dr. Saket Prasad presented the BOH with information regarding the Mpox virus. *Please see attachment. Discussion followed.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:04pm by Dr. Kassas, motion seconded by Tim LaFever. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Breeyan Barnes

Confidential Secretary to the Public Health Director