
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Social media going crazy about Scio school proposed restroom changes

From Scio School:

There have been many questions about the bathroom renovations in our building. We are doing work on several of the bathrooms over the next several months. Most of these bathrooms will be getting updates to keep our facilities in good working order.

There is one set of bathrooms that will be reconfigured with the goal of providing more single use bathrooms for our students, staff and guests. The bathrooms in our trophy case hall (across the hall from the MS/HS gym) are being remodeled to be several single use toilet rooms. Each of these rooms will be complete rooms from floor to ceiling block walls each with a wooden lockable door. Students will have complete privacy in each of these rooms. There will be a common area with sinks outside of the individual rooms. The majority of the common area will be visible from the hallway.

There are a variety of reasons why some students feel uncomfortable using stalls in gang bathrooms. This reconfiguration gives all students another option. Safety is always our number one priority. This is a way to increase our number of single use restrooms in a responsible way that can make our students and guests feel safe.


Jennifer Cappelletti


From Facebook:

Scio Central School in Scio, New York is planning a Co-ed Restroom Project, but there has been a significant lack of transparency regarding this initiative. Parents, students, and community members have the right to understand the details of such projects that directly impact our children's school environment. The absence of clear communication raises concerns about student safety, privacy rights, and proper utilization of school funds. According to the National Education Association (NEA), open communication between schools and parents fosters trust and enhances students' academic success. Therefore, we urge Scio Central School to provide comprehensive information about the Co-ed Restroom Project including its design plans, implementation timeline, budget allocation and how it will ensure student safety and privacy rights. Until this communication happens Scio Central School should seize all plans of moving forward with this project! Join us in demanding transparency from our local school system; sign this petition today!