
Friday, March 1, 2024

Allegany County Press Release Recognizing Wellsville Lions Club

Wellsville Lions Club Receives Allegany County Recognition


The Allegany County Board of Legislators recently passed a resolution honoring the Wellsville Lions Club for its contributions to the County.


Founded in 1942, the Wellsville Lions Club has operated continuously for the last 82 years, and currently has 61 members. The Club’s contributions are evident throughout Wellsville, with past projects including sponsorship of informational history markers, refurbishment of parks, improvements to the Hank Sinkey Softball Field, and upgrades to the school’s auditorium and gymnasium facilities.


The Club has been a powerful and consistent advocate for public health and safety through funding to establish the Wellsville Volunteer Ambulance Corps, purchase of their mass casualty trailer, and donation of the Wellsville Police Department’s portable speed trailer. The club also founded the Lions Club Diabetes Center at Jones Memorial Hospital and sponsors several youths to attend diabetes camps annually.


As strong partners of the David A. Howe Library, the Lions are responsible for past improvements to the library’s exterior, kitchen, and the Nancy A. Howe Auditorium. The Lions’ annual Christmas Fantasy of Lights on the library lawn has become a beloved Wellsville tradition.


Legislative Board Chair W. Brooke Harris applauded the Lions’ long and extensive service to Wellsville. “In this era when we lament the decline of volunteerism in our communities, the fact that the Wellsville Lions Club is now stronger than ever is a testament to your leadership, and to the value that you provide to your members and the community.”


In receiving the award, Club First Vice-President Tom Farmer addressed the Legislature. “Thank you for this recognition. The Wellsville Lions represent some of the finest men and women who, for over 82 years, have helped the less fortunate and those in need, and have provided a positive environment. To be recognized gives us the strength and zest to continue our service, and to keep with our motto: We Serve.”