
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Improvements at Wellsville VA Clinic

From the Bath VA Medical Center:
We invite you to experience our new method of delivering Primary Care in our Wellsville VA Clinic. This exciting new “tele-health” program allows Atlanta VA providers to give medical care directly to you. Your care will be enhanced via a large video monitor and specialized equipment to conduct your physical exam. You have a Primary Care Provider and a dedicated Clinical Pharmacist.

Your nursing staff will remain the same. Your support staff will stay the same. Your privacy and confidentiality will remain the same. Your access to care will improve.

Veterans are trying this new approach to care every day and are finding it to be a very positive and rewarding experience. We would like you to experience Tele-Primary Care and the benefits that it offers by joining us at our upcoming Open House event. Please give us the opportunity to demonstrate the power of this technology to deliver the highest quality healthcare. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you!