HARRISBURG – Working to boost access to health care in rural communities, Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter) today joined a majority in the state House to approve legislation that would create a grant program aimed at boosting recruitment of health care providers.
“People in rural communities deserve access to quality health care without having to travel for hours to get it. It’s not just a matter of convenience but public safety,” Causer said. “One of the challenges facing our hospitals in providing that care is the ability to recruit physicians and other health care professionals to practice in areas like ours. This grant program would provide a valuable incentive to help.”
House Bill 157 would create the Rural Health Care Grant Program, which would provide funding to health care entities in medically underserved areas or rural counties to pay for the education debt of practitioners it employs.
To qualify to receive grant funding, the practitioner must work full time and for a minimum of three years for the entity distributing the grant and begin work within six months of accepting a position with the entity paying the education debt.
Causer applauded his neighboring lawmaker and House Republican Health Committee Chair Kathy Rapp (R-Warren/Crawford/Forest) for her work in authoring the legislation and advocating on behalf of rural health care.
The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.
View Causer’s comments during House consideration of the bill here.
Representative Martin T. Causer
67th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives