State Police charge several with felony gang assault with
serious injury
An assault in Amity reported March 2nd has now led to
five arrests. On Monday and Tuesday, Amity-based troopers arrested three people
from Andover and one from Friendship. Charged with felony second-degree assault
causing serious physical injury were 20-year-old Destiny Renea Outman,
21-year-old Jacob C. Outman, a name-protected 18-year-old youth, all from
Andover as well as Skylar Rose Totten, 21, of Friendship. Arraigned in CAP
court, all four were remanded to the Allegany County Jail on $2,500 cash bail
or $5,000 bond. A jail official confirmed this morning that all four remained
in custody. Meanwhile, On March 2nd, troopers arrested 19-year-old
Treyton Golish of Wellsville in connection to the same incident. He was issued
a court appearance ticket.