
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Alfred University: Representative Tom Reed '90 Town Hall

Dear Alfred University alumni, parents, and friends,


Please join us today—Thursday, February 4—from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. for a Zoom discussion with Alfred University alumnus, Congressman Tom Reed ‘90 (R-23rd district NY). Representative Reed, a co-chair of the bi-partisan House Problem-Solvers Caucus, has not placed restrictions on topics. Among the many ways that Representative Reed has supported his alma mater over the years has been to hire our students as interns, regardless of political affiliation and through the partial support of our APEX program, for his Corning and Washington, D.C. offices.


We live in a highly-charged political environment and hope you will take advantage of the opportunity for a give and take with Mr. Reed. Because of the number of participants, questions to the congressman will be submitted via chat. Professor Gary Ostrower ’61 will serve as the moderator for the Town Hall.


The Zoom link is below.


Topic: AU Town Hall with Congressman Tom Reed

Time: Feb 4, 2021   5:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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