
Monday, April 13, 2020

Alfred Town Talk - Highlights of April 9th meeting

Dan Acton, Supervisor
Zooming, Budget Threats, 5G and More
In an historical first the entire board meet virtually using Zoom as the board practiced social distancing in order to tamp down the Covid-19 virus. Some board members attempted to liven up the meeting by using imaginative backgrounds which were at least good for a laugh.
Among the topics discussed was a threat to the town budget given the governor’s ability to reduce expenditures during the fiscal year in the event state revenues fall. This is likely to happen, and the effect could be to reduce our state aid and more importantly CHIPS funding for town highways. The impact of this threat may be that road building this summer will be restricted. It is likely that the impact of “New York on Pause” will be felt this year and next. Fortunately, this board has always been conservative with town expenditures and it may have to be more so this year and next.
The old grader was sold for $9,100 using an internet auction site. The board set a minimum desired price of $7,500 so the sale price was a nice surprise. It was bought to be used in a gravel pit around the Albany area.
There was considerable discussion around 5G and the ability of municipalities to restrict the build out of this network during the Covid-19 crisis. The board was reluctant to do so without receiving legal counsel. Board member Wendy Dailey investigated the regulation of 5G and reported that it is almost exclusively in the hands of the FCC which is allowing it to move forward. Critics are concerned that it may be injurious to human health.
The board heard recommendations from mason Dan Richard about how to mount the “Welcome to Alfred NY” sign on the Route 21 side of the town garage. This was Noah Napolitano’s Eagle Scout project and it looks like installation will need to wait until after the virus crisis has subsided.