L-R Walrath, Day, Allard |
BATH - Two Steuben County deputies were honored Monday for their heroic actions during the July 2 incident that took the life of state Trooper Nicholas Clark. County Sheriff Jim Allard commended deputies Joshua Day and Jordan Walrath before the county Legislature Public Safety and Corrections Committee, saying the men’s action saved lives and prevented an escalation of the fatal incident. Allard said Day arrived on the scene of a reported armed man barricaded around 4 a.m. July 2 at 10041 Welch Road, Erwin to assist state police. After Day moved to the rear of the residence to set up a perimeter, the barricaded subject left the house through the rear door carrying what appeared to be a shotgun. When Day ordered the unidentified subject to show his hands, the subject immediately retreated into the residence and began firing the long gun through the rear door window directly at Day, Allard reported. Day moved to cover and returned suppressive fire, allowing Clark to join him at that position. As the two men then maneuvered closer to the subject, Clark was shot. Day again returned fire, pulled Clark to safe cover and began emergency medical care while calling for assistance. Day was joined by state Trooper William Siwy, but they were unable to safely move Clark from their location, according to Allard. The subject began firing again from the front of the residence and Day again returned suppressive fire to the rear of the residence to prevent the subject from escaping to the nearby woods. Day remained at his post until he was relieved by the state police and county tactical team. "Deputy Day's actions, while under fire, moving Trooper Clark to safety, and maintaining tactical awareness, exhibit bravery, coolness under fire and extreme valorous conduct," Allard told the committee. "It is my belief that Deputy Joshua Day's actions may very well have stopped the suspect from flanking the front perimeter and taking up a covered wooded position. It is my belief his actions saved other lives." Allard told the committee Deputy Walrath also was on scene at a different location and tried to assist Day and Clark until the terrain and actions of the suspect prevented him from moving closer. As Day and Siwy moved to a position to prevent the subject from escaping, Walrath maintained his position and provided cover, standing ready to assist. Walrath maintained his post on perimeter until the incident had been concluded. The subject died at the scene. "The actions of Deputy Joshua Day and Deputy Jordan Walrath reflect the leadership, professionalism, integrity and service of all members of the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office, and their personal commitment to the mission of public safety to the citizens of Steuben County," Allard said.