Belfast writer says endorsement from county lawmaker for Mackney pushed her to support Whitney
I have deferred publically to delve into the politics of the
Allegany County Sheriff's race until now as I feel compelled to make a few
points and have colleagues on both sides. I have a concern over the backing of
Mr. Mackney by Dist. IV Legislator Karl Graves. When Mr. Graves worked as a
Deputy for Allegany County, he and another Deputy COST OUR COUNTY SEVERAL
HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS due to sexual harassment toward other employees. He
also has questionable judgment in continuing to hound departments because he
does not like the legal answers received from said departments. I also have a
concern with candidate Mackney in relation to the NYS Safe Act, stance,
enforcement, etc. As Secretary of the Allegany County Chapter of SCOPE, I am
aware that he has not joined our group to advocate for the 2nd amendment of the
U.S. Constitution and work to repeal or radically change the NYS Safe Act. I
feel he will tow the NYS line as he was a Trooper for many years. I have dealt
with the Sheriff's Office over the 35 years that I worked for the Dept. of
Social Services professionally, personally, and as a Union Rep. of the
dispatchers. Even though there were different viewpoints on Union issues,
Sheriff Whitney treated me and other union officials with respect. I whole
heartedly ask my former colleagues and voters of Allegany County vote to retain
Rick Whitney as Sheriff of Allegany County on Sept. 13th and in the general
election in November.
Monica D. Cole
Belfast, NY