
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Senator Young takes Oath of Office for Seventh Term

ALBANY – Senator Catharine Young (R,C,I-57th District) has taken her oath of office to begin her seventh full term.
Senator Young, who represents residents of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua and Livingston counties in the state Senate, has been appointed to a high-ranking leadership post within the New York State Senate Republican Conference. She has also been named as the ranking Republican member of two committees, Elections and Ethics and Internal Governance.
 “Serving the people of our community is an extraordinary privilege and a commitment that I will work to uphold each and every day. Bringing our voice and concerns forward has never been more important as we begin the 2019 Legislative Session in a political environment where all three branches of government are dominated by downstate interests,” said Senator Young.
 “While the power structure in Albany may have shifted to New York City control of all of state government, the issues that matter to hardworking, overburdened taxpayers are the same: relief from New York’s tax burden; greater job opportunities; a quality education for their children and safe communities. These are the bread and butter issues that truly impact people’s lives. Attaining progress in all these areas is my core agenda as I begin a new term.”
“Experience has shown us that when we are focused and resolute, we can make a difference.   Last year, our adherence to the self-imposed, two-percent state spending cap helped eliminate a $4.5 billion deficit. We successfully fought to preserve the historic, middle class income tax cut and protected the STAR property tax relief program and property tax rebate checks from changes that would have cost homeowners millions,” said Senator Young. “We also secured increased support for our local schools.”
“These achievements are important but so much more needs to be done to provide greater relief to our hardworking taxpayers and our fiscally strained local governments. Our property taxes are still far too high. New York still spends and regulates too much, which drives up the cost of living in our state. And our business climate is still too hostile, driving the jobs we so desperately need in upstate New York to other states.”
“The future of upstate New York is the most critically pressing issue facing government - not legalizing marijuana, taxpayer financed campaigns, early voting or any of the other extremist wish list items on the agendas of the Governor and his New York City allies. Getting that message out in this new political landscape will be my mission,” concluded Senator Young.