September 10, 2018
Members Present: D. Fanton, G. Barnes, P. Curran, W. Dibble, K. Graves, D. Healy, C. Crandall (Absent: J. Ricci)
Others Present: T. Boyde, J. Henry, J. Hopkins, G. James, C. Jones, C. Knapp, B. Riehle, D. Root, T. Ross, D. Scholes, M. Washer
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Public Works Committee Chairman Dwight Fanton at 3:03 p.m.
Request to Fill Cleaner Position
Public Works Deputy Superintendent Dean Scholes thanked the committee, as well as the Clerk of the Board’s Office for scheduling a special meeting. Mr. Scholes requested permission to fill one-full time Cleaner (AFSCME, Grade 5) and all subsequent positions including hiring from the outside. This position is responsible for the daily cleaning of the out buildings, primarily the Jail, that are owned and operated by the County. The annual salary of this position is $28,507.23 with benefits estimated at $13,532.38. This position is funded 100 percent with County funds. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Graves, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Refer to Ways & Means
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Graves, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer
Confidential Secretary to Clerk of the Board
Board of Legislators