September 10, 2018
Committee Members Present: P. Stockin, D. Fanton, P. Curran, D. Healy, J. Hopkins, S. Havey, D. Root, C. Crandall (Absent: D. Decker)
Others Present: L. Ballengee, G. Barnes, T. Boyde, B. Budinger, J. Budinger, W. Dibble, L. Edwards, K. Francisco, V. Grant, K. Graves, L. Gridley, B. Harris, J. Henry, G. James, C. Knapp, J. Luckey, B. Riehle, T. Ross, M. Washer
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Ways & Means Committee Chairman Philip Stockin.
Approval of Minutes
The August 27, 2018, Ways & Means Committee minutes were approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried.
Approval of Audit
Committee members reviewed the September 10, 2018, audit of claims in the amount of $2,531,206.77 (including prepaid bills). A motion was made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried to forward the audit to the full Board for approval of payment.
Maximus Contract Renewal
County Treasurer Terri Ross requested a resolution for ratification of her signature and accepting a three-year proposal from Maximus for professional services regarding the annual Federal (OMB A-87) cost allocation plan for Allegany County for the calendar year ending December 31, 2017, 2018, and 2019. The annual cost is up $400 from $8,600 to $9,000 per year for a three-year total of $27,000. Legislator Curran asked what they do for us. Ms. Ross stated they handle our County-wide cost allocation plan. Legislator Healy asked if there are other options, and Ms. Ross stated it is something that needs to be done, and Maximus has been good to the County and has the best price. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Curran, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Tax Bill Corrections
Real Property Tax Director Joseph Budinger requested a resolution approving the following tax bill corrections providing for a charge back:
TOWN OF INDEPENDENCE Tax Map Number: 188.-1-960
Owner of Record: Plants & Goodwin, Inc. Charge Back: $2,932.54 (2018-2019 Whitesville Central School)
TOWN OF INDEPENDENCE Tax Map Number: 188.-1-987
Owner of Record: Plants & Goodwin, Inc. Charge Back: $5,656.41 (2018-2019 Whitesville Central School)
(A Resolution is required for corrections over $2,500 or those resulting in the complete removal of a parcel)
Legislator Root asked if the difference is because of the oil production that has stopped. Mr. Budinger stated it hasn’t stopped, but it has reduced, and this was from a clerical error. Legislator Root stated at one time, oil production in this County paid a lot of taxes, and with the independent oil producers being shut down and plugging their wells, we have lost of a lot of income. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Town and Village of Almond Registrar
Clerk of the Board Brenda Rigby Riehle stated they received a request from the Town of Almond to combine registrar districts of the Town of Almond and the Village of Almond into one vital statistics registration district #0253, Town of Almond. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Curran, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Human Services Committee
Children & Family Intensive Case Manager Position
Community Services Director Dr. Robert Anderson requested permission to fill one full-time Children & Family Intensive Case Manager (PEF, Grade 7, Step: Base) due to a resignation. This position provides case management services to children and families under the NYS Department of Mental Health to refer, monitor, and link to services in order to decrease and/or avoid high use of Medicaid dollars. This position also meets the needs of children and families who have a mental health diagnosis and are severely and emotionally disturbed. The annual salary of this position is $42,652 with benefits estimated at $20,247. This position is funded 100 percent with ‘other’ funds. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Notify Human Resources
Typist Position
Community Services Director Dr. Robert Anderson requested permission to fill one full-time Typist (AFSCME, Grade 4) position. This position acts as receptionist, records and transcribes meeting minutes, sorts correspondence and various materials, as well as types various forms. The annual salary of this position is $27,695 with benefits estimated at $13,147. This position is funded 50 percent with State funds and 50 percent with ‘other’ funds. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Notify Human Resources
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Funds
Office for the Aging Director Madeleine Gasdik requested a resolution to accept and appropriate an increase in funding from the Department of Social Services for certifying HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) claims. These funds have not been included in the 2018 Budget and should be appropriated as follows:
Appropriation: Amount:
A6777.101 (Home Energy Assistance Program – Regular Pay) $2,000
Revenue: Amount:
A6777.2801.00 (Home Energy Assistance Program) $2,000
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Title III Federal Grant Funding
Office for the Aging Director Madeleine Gasdik requested a resolution to finalize revenue from Title III Federal grants: III C-2, III-D, and III-E. The final Federal allocations were higher than originally budgeted for in the 2018 Budget and should be appropriated as follows:
Appropriation: Amount:
A6772.402 (OFA Nutrition – Mileage) $1,266 A6772.422 (OFA Nutrition – Gas & Oil) $1,000 A6783.408 (OFA – Title III-D – General Supplies) $ 347
A6786.474 (ORA – III-E Family Caregiver – Homecare) $5,962
Total: $8,575
Revenue: Amount:
A6772.4772.00 (OFA – III C-2 – Nutrition) $2,266
A6783.4772.00 (Title III-D) $ 347
A6783.4772.00 (III-E) $5,962
Total: $8,575
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Caseworker Position
Social Services Commissioner Vicki Grant requested permission to fill one full-time Caseworker (AFSCME, Grade 16, Step: Base – Step 7) and all subsequent positions including hiring from the outside. This position is responsible for ensuring the safety, health, and welfare of children and families. The annual salary of this position is estimated between $38,588.73 and $48,142.64 with benefits estimated at 48 percent. This position is funded 35.57 percent with County funds, 21.89 percent with State funds, and 42.54 percent with Federal funds. Legislator Fanton asked if the vacancy is due to a retirement. Ms. Grant stated it was an employee who was on medical leave and did not return. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Notify Human Resources
Public Safety Committee
STEPS in Safety Grant Funds
STOP-DWI Coordinator Linda Edwards requested a resolution to accept funds received for the STEPS in Safety Grant (Safety on Wheels) from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Program. The grant period is October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019. These funds will be included in the 2019 Budget as follows, and no budget adjustment is necessary at this time:
Appropriation: Amount:
A3114.402 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – Mileage) $ 200
A3114.408 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – General Supplies – Helmets) $1,400
A3114.421 ((STOP-DWI Traffic Program – Educational Materials) $1,400
Total: $3,000
Revenue: Amount:
A3114.338 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – State Aid) $3,000
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Crackdown Enforcement Grant Funds
STOP-DWI Coordinator Linda Edwards requested a resolution to accept funds received for the NYS STOP-DWI Program in the amount of $10,850 for Crackdown Enforcement. The grant federal fiscal year is October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019. These funds will be included in the 2019 Budget as follows, and no budget adjustment is necessary at this time:
Appropriation: Amount:
A3141.449 (Public Safety Contracts – Crackdown Enforcement) $10,850 Revenue:
A3141.1589.CE (Public Safety Contracts Crackdown Enforcement) $10,850
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Prepare Resolution
2019 STOP-DWI Plan
STOP-DWI Coordinator Linda Edwards requested a resolution approving the 2019 STOP-DWI Plan. Ms. Edwards is also requesting that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the Certification page of the Plan.
Enforcement $ 35,850
Prosecution $ 3,000
Court Related $ 2,000
Probation $ 3,000
Rehabilitation $ 1,300
Public Information/Education $ 11,966
Administration $ 42,278
TOTALS $ 99,394
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Prepare Resolution
SHSP18 Grant
Emergency Management and Fire Director Jeff Luckey requested a resolution to accept the SHSP 18 grant in the amount of $52,485 to be included in the 2019 Budget. The application for this grant was approved by Resolution #92-18, and the funds should be included in the 2019 Budget as follows:
Appropriation: Amount:
A3662.204 (Motor Vehicle) $50,000
A3662.207 (Emergency Services Equipment) $ 2,485
Total: $52,485
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Prepare Resolution
NYS 2019 Public Safety Answering Points Sustainment Grant
The Sheriff’s Office is requesting a resolution to accept and establish a capital project for the appropriation of the New York State 2019 Public Safety Answering Points Sustainment Grant (PSAP). This grant has been awarded annually in the amount of $10 million shared throughout 57 counties and the City of New York. Allegany County’s share is $156,944 and will be used to update much needed electronic equipment in the 911 Center. The funds should be appropriated as follows: Appropriation: Amount:
H3030.210 (Public Safety 911 – CAD) $156,944
H3030.3097.00 (Public Safety 911 – CAD – State Aid) $156,944
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Prepare Resolution
2018 Statewide Interop able Communications Grant
The Sheriff’s Office is requesting permission to apply for the 2018 Statewide Interoperable Communications Targeted Grant. This grant is being awarded annually in the amount of $65 million dollars shared throughout 57 counties and the City of New York. These monies, if accepted, will be used to continue enhancing our 911 public safety radio communications. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Public Works Committee
Transfer of Funds – Wellsville Bridge Projects
Public Works Deputy Superintendent II Justin Henry requested permission to make the following transfer which will cover the estimated County share on the next two Wellsville Bridge Projects being constructed with Federal and Marchiselli Aid:
From: Amount:
H5935.200 – CR43 Bridge – Angelica $108,800
To: Amount:
H5929.200 – Weidrick Road – Wellsville Bridge $ 15,810
H5965.000 – Madison Street – Wellsville Bridge $ 92,990
Total: $108,800
Legislator Healy asked what Marchiselli Aid is. Mr. Henry stated it is state funds that cover 15 percent of the construction costs. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Good of the Order
Majority Leader Dwight "Mike" Healy announced a caucus in room 220 at 1:30 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary to Clerk of the Board
Allegany County Board of Legislators
September 10, 2018
Committee Members Present: P. Stockin, D. Fanton, P. Curran, D. Healy, J. Hopkins, S. Havey, D. Root, C. Crandall (Absent: D. Decker)
Others Present: L. Ballengee, G. Barnes, T. Boyde, B. Budinger, J. Budinger, W. Dibble, L. Edwards, K. Francisco, V. Grant, K. Graves, L. Gridley, B. Harris, J. Henry, G. James, C. Knapp, J. Luckey, B. Riehle, T. Ross, M. Washer
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Ways & Means Committee Chairman Philip Stockin.
Approval of Minutes
The August 27, 2018, Ways & Means Committee minutes were approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried.
Approval of Audit
Committee members reviewed the September 10, 2018, audit of claims in the amount of $2,531,206.77 (including prepaid bills). A motion was made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried to forward the audit to the full Board for approval of payment.
Maximus Contract Renewal
County Treasurer Terri Ross requested a resolution for ratification of her signature and accepting a three-year proposal from Maximus for professional services regarding the annual Federal (OMB A-87) cost allocation plan for Allegany County for the calendar year ending December 31, 2017, 2018, and 2019. The annual cost is up $400 from $8,600 to $9,000 per year for a three-year total of $27,000. Legislator Curran asked what they do for us. Ms. Ross stated they handle our County-wide cost allocation plan. Legislator Healy asked if there are other options, and Ms. Ross stated it is something that needs to be done, and Maximus has been good to the County and has the best price. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Curran, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Tax Bill Corrections
Real Property Tax Director Joseph Budinger requested a resolution approving the following tax bill corrections providing for a charge back:
TOWN OF INDEPENDENCE Tax Map Number: 188.-1-960
Owner of Record: Plants & Goodwin, Inc. Charge Back: $2,932.54 (2018-2019 Whitesville Central School)
TOWN OF INDEPENDENCE Tax Map Number: 188.-1-987
Owner of Record: Plants & Goodwin, Inc. Charge Back: $5,656.41 (2018-2019 Whitesville Central School)
(A Resolution is required for corrections over $2,500 or those resulting in the complete removal of a parcel)
Legislator Root asked if the difference is because of the oil production that has stopped. Mr. Budinger stated it hasn’t stopped, but it has reduced, and this was from a clerical error. Legislator Root stated at one time, oil production in this County paid a lot of taxes, and with the independent oil producers being shut down and plugging their wells, we have lost of a lot of income. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Town and Village of Almond Registrar
Clerk of the Board Brenda Rigby Riehle stated they received a request from the Town of Almond to combine registrar districts of the Town of Almond and the Village of Almond into one vital statistics registration district #0253, Town of Almond. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Curran, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Human Services Committee
Children & Family Intensive Case Manager Position
Community Services Director Dr. Robert Anderson requested permission to fill one full-time Children & Family Intensive Case Manager (PEF, Grade 7, Step: Base) due to a resignation. This position provides case management services to children and families under the NYS Department of Mental Health to refer, monitor, and link to services in order to decrease and/or avoid high use of Medicaid dollars. This position also meets the needs of children and families who have a mental health diagnosis and are severely and emotionally disturbed. The annual salary of this position is $42,652 with benefits estimated at $20,247. This position is funded 100 percent with ‘other’ funds. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Notify Human Resources
Typist Position
Community Services Director Dr. Robert Anderson requested permission to fill one full-time Typist (AFSCME, Grade 4) position. This position acts as receptionist, records and transcribes meeting minutes, sorts correspondence and various materials, as well as types various forms. The annual salary of this position is $27,695 with benefits estimated at $13,147. This position is funded 50 percent with State funds and 50 percent with ‘other’ funds. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Notify Human Resources
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Funds
Office for the Aging Director Madeleine Gasdik requested a resolution to accept and appropriate an increase in funding from the Department of Social Services for certifying HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) claims. These funds have not been included in the 2018 Budget and should be appropriated as follows:
Appropriation: Amount:
A6777.101 (Home Energy Assistance Program – Regular Pay) $2,000
Revenue: Amount:
A6777.2801.00 (Home Energy Assistance Program) $2,000
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Title III Federal Grant Funding
Office for the Aging Director Madeleine Gasdik requested a resolution to finalize revenue from Title III Federal grants: III C-2, III-D, and III-E. The final Federal allocations were higher than originally budgeted for in the 2018 Budget and should be appropriated as follows:
Appropriation: Amount:
A6772.402 (OFA Nutrition – Mileage) $1,266 A6772.422 (OFA Nutrition – Gas & Oil) $1,000 A6783.408 (OFA – Title III-D – General Supplies) $ 347
A6786.474 (ORA – III-E Family Caregiver – Homecare) $5,962
Total: $8,575
Revenue: Amount:
A6772.4772.00 (OFA – III C-2 – Nutrition) $2,266
A6783.4772.00 (Title III-D) $ 347
A6783.4772.00 (III-E) $5,962
Total: $8,575
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Caseworker Position
Social Services Commissioner Vicki Grant requested permission to fill one full-time Caseworker (AFSCME, Grade 16, Step: Base – Step 7) and all subsequent positions including hiring from the outside. This position is responsible for ensuring the safety, health, and welfare of children and families. The annual salary of this position is estimated between $38,588.73 and $48,142.64 with benefits estimated at 48 percent. This position is funded 35.57 percent with County funds, 21.89 percent with State funds, and 42.54 percent with Federal funds. Legislator Fanton asked if the vacancy is due to a retirement. Ms. Grant stated it was an employee who was on medical leave and did not return. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Notify Human Resources
Public Safety Committee
STEPS in Safety Grant Funds
STOP-DWI Coordinator Linda Edwards requested a resolution to accept funds received for the STEPS in Safety Grant (Safety on Wheels) from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Program. The grant period is October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019. These funds will be included in the 2019 Budget as follows, and no budget adjustment is necessary at this time:
Appropriation: Amount:
A3114.402 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – Mileage) $ 200
A3114.408 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – General Supplies – Helmets) $1,400
A3114.421 ((STOP-DWI Traffic Program – Educational Materials) $1,400
Total: $3,000
Revenue: Amount:
A3114.338 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – State Aid) $3,000
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Crackdown Enforcement Grant Funds
STOP-DWI Coordinator Linda Edwards requested a resolution to accept funds received for the NYS STOP-DWI Program in the amount of $10,850 for Crackdown Enforcement. The grant federal fiscal year is October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019. These funds will be included in the 2019 Budget as follows, and no budget adjustment is necessary at this time:
Appropriation: Amount:
A3141.449 (Public Safety Contracts – Crackdown Enforcement) $10,850 Revenue:
A3141.1589.CE (Public Safety Contracts Crackdown Enforcement) $10,850
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Prepare Resolution
2019 STOP-DWI Plan
STOP-DWI Coordinator Linda Edwards requested a resolution approving the 2019 STOP-DWI Plan. Ms. Edwards is also requesting that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the Certification page of the Plan.
Enforcement $ 35,850
Prosecution $ 3,000
Court Related $ 2,000
Probation $ 3,000
Rehabilitation $ 1,300
Public Information/Education $ 11,966
Administration $ 42,278
TOTALS $ 99,394
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Prepare Resolution
SHSP18 Grant
Emergency Management and Fire Director Jeff Luckey requested a resolution to accept the SHSP 18 grant in the amount of $52,485 to be included in the 2019 Budget. The application for this grant was approved by Resolution #92-18, and the funds should be included in the 2019 Budget as follows:
Appropriation: Amount:
A3662.204 (Motor Vehicle) $50,000
A3662.207 (Emergency Services Equipment) $ 2,485
Total: $52,485
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Prepare Resolution
NYS 2019 Public Safety Answering Points Sustainment Grant
The Sheriff’s Office is requesting a resolution to accept and establish a capital project for the appropriation of the New York State 2019 Public Safety Answering Points Sustainment Grant (PSAP). This grant has been awarded annually in the amount of $10 million shared throughout 57 counties and the City of New York. Allegany County’s share is $156,944 and will be used to update much needed electronic equipment in the 911 Center. The funds should be appropriated as follows: Appropriation: Amount:
H3030.210 (Public Safety 911 – CAD) $156,944
H3030.3097.00 (Public Safety 911 – CAD – State Aid) $156,944
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Prepare Resolution
2018 Statewide Interop able Communications Grant
The Sheriff’s Office is requesting permission to apply for the 2018 Statewide Interoperable Communications Targeted Grant. This grant is being awarded annually in the amount of $65 million dollars shared throughout 57 counties and the City of New York. These monies, if accepted, will be used to continue enhancing our 911 public safety radio communications. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Public Works Committee
Transfer of Funds – Wellsville Bridge Projects
Public Works Deputy Superintendent II Justin Henry requested permission to make the following transfer which will cover the estimated County share on the next two Wellsville Bridge Projects being constructed with Federal and Marchiselli Aid:
From: Amount:
H5935.200 – CR43 Bridge – Angelica $108,800
To: Amount:
H5929.200 – Weidrick Road – Wellsville Bridge $ 15,810
H5965.000 – Madison Street – Wellsville Bridge $ 92,990
Total: $108,800
Legislator Healy asked what Marchiselli Aid is. Mr. Henry stated it is state funds that cover 15 percent of the construction costs. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Good of the Order
Majority Leader Dwight "Mike" Healy announced a caucus in room 220 at 1:30 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary to Clerk of the Board
Allegany County Board of Legislators