September 5, 2018
Members Present: D. Healy, W. Dibble, D. Decker, B. Harris,
S. Havey, J. Hopkins, C. Crandall
Others Present: G. Barnes, T. Boyde, B. Budinger, J.
Burdick, P. Curran, L. Edwards, M. Evans, D. Fanton, K. Graves, G. Green, C.
Ivers, B. Kelley, C. Knapp, J. Luckey, K. Monroe, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, T. Ross,
T. Shaw, R. Starks, E. Staniszewski, M. Washer, R. Whitney
Media Present: C. Potter, Wellsville Daily Reporter
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m.
by Public Safety Committee Chairman Dwight “Mike” Healy.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by
Legislator Havey, and carried to approve the Public Safety Committee minutes
for August 1, 2018.
Public Defender Barbara Kelley attended the meeting and
submitted her monthly report to the committee for review. Legislator Barnes
asked how many repeat offenders are reflected in Ms. Kelley’s monthly report
numbers. Ms. Kelley stated if one individual has a group of charges, it
reflects as one case; however, if they have more than one case, they are
separated. Legislator Decker stated it’s very telling when we see multiple
family members committing the same crimes, adding that not every case reported
are new individuals; it’s being passed down and how to break that cycle is a
Emergency Management & Fire Director Jeff Luckey
attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for
Request to Accept SHSP18 Grant
Emergency Fire and Management Director Jeff Luckey is
requesting a resolution to accept the SHSP 18 grant in the amount of $52,485 to
be included in the 2019 Budget. The application for this grant was approved by
Resolution #92-18, and the funds should be included in the 2019 Budget as
Appropriation: Amount:
A3662.204 (Motor Vehicle) $50,000
A3662.207 (Emergency Services Equipment) $ 2,485
Total: $52,485
Legislator Decker asked what the $50,000 vehicle is for. Mr.
Luckey stated it is to replace the Tahoe he currently drives. Legislator Decker
stated it seems to still be a good vehicle and asked for justification in
getting a new one. Mr. Luckey stated it’s a 2013 with approximately 75,000
miles, and he would like to replace it before any new maintenance needs to be
done, and this opportunity using grant funds gives him the option to sell the
current vehicle and give back the proceeds as revenue. Legislator Decker stated
he drives a 2013 with 140,000 miles, and it runs just fine, and he does not see
the need to spend taxpayer money on a new vehicle. Committee Chairman Healy
stated our emergency vehicles are something we should always keep as up to date
as possible and encouraged the committee to be in favor of this request.
Legislator Hopkins asked how this vehicle fits into the Enterprise fleet
program. County Administrator Timothy Boyde stated Mr. Luckey’s vehicles do not
qualify for the lease program, and should the request be approved they can
either use the old vehicle elsewhere, or sell it and put the money into the
Homeland account. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Decker,
seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried. (Opposed: D. Decker) Legislator
Decker noted that his original motion was for discussion purposes only. Refer
to Ways and Means
STOP-DWI Coordinator Linda Edwards attended the meeting and
submitted her monthly report to the committee for review. Ms. Edwards stated
that on August 4 she participated in the bicycle giveaway at Kmart for the
winners of drawings from the Traffic Safety Booth at the County Fair. Five
youth selected bikes of their choosing that were provided by the Allegany
County Highway Superintendents Association. Ms. Edwards also provided giveaway
bags with helmets and educational items.
2019 STOP-DWI Plan
Ms. Edwards requested a resolution approving the 2019
STOP-DWI Plan. Ms. Edwards is also requesting that the Chairman of the Board be
authorized to sign the Certification page of the Plan.
Enforcement $ 35,850
Prosecution $ 3,000
Court Related $ 2,000
Probation $ 3,000
Rehabilitation $ 1,300
Public Information/Education $ 11,966
Administration $ 42,278
TOTALS $ 99,394
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator
Dibble, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
Crackdown Enforcement Grant
Ms. Edwards requested a resolution to accept funds received
for the NYS STOP-DWI Program in the amount of $10,850 for Crackdown
Enforcement. The grant federal fiscal year is October 1, 2018, through
September 30, 2019. These funds will be included in the 2019 Budget as follows,
and no budget adjustment is necessary at this time:
Appropriation: Amount:
A3141.449 (Public Safety Contracts – Crackdown Enforcement)
Revenue: Amount:
A3141.1589.CE (Public Safety Contracts Crackdown
Enforcement) $10,850
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator
Havey, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
STEPS in Safety Grant
Ms. Edwards requested a resolution to accept funds received
for the STEPS in Safety Grant (Safety on Wheels) from the Governor’s Traffic
Safety Program. The grant period is October 1, 2018, through September 30,
2019. These funds will be included in the 2019 Budget as follows, and no budget
adjustment is necessary at this time:
Appropriation: Amount:
A3114.402 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – Mileage) $ 200
A3114.408 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – General Supplies –
Helmets) $1,400
A3114.421 ((STOP-DWI Traffic Program – Educational
Materials) $1,400
Total: $3,000
Revenue: Amount:
A3114.338 (STOP-DWI Traffic Program – State Aid) $3,000
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator
Decker, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
District Attorney Keith Slep was unable to attend the
meeting but submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.
Probation Director Robert Starks attended the meeting and
submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Starks stated
that Family Court Investigations have already exceeded 2017 numbers. Legislator
Harris asked what DWI VIP stands for. Mr. Starks stated it is the DWI Victim
Impact Panel, noting there is also one for sex offenders. Legislator Harris
asked how many are in attendance for the sex offender victim impact panel, what
level risk they are, and if any are incarcerated. Mr. Starks stated
approximately 22, all ranging from level 1 to level 3, and currently none are
Request to Fill Senior Probation Officer Position
Mr. Starks requested permission to fill one full-time Senior
Probation Officer (AFSCME, Grade 20, Step: 4) and all subsequent positions.
This position is responsible for the Electronic Home Monitoring Program,
transfer designee duties, as well as other duties assigned by the Director. The
annual salary of this position is $51,635 with benefits estimated at $24,511.
This position is funded 100 percent with County funds. This request was
approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Havey,
and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
Request to Fill Probation Officer Trainee Position
Mr. Starks requested permission to fill one full-time
Probation Officer Trainee (AFSCME, Grade 17, Step: Base) and all subsequent
positions. This position is responsible for Family Court intake, writing of
investigations, and supervision of individuals sentenced to probation, all
under the guidance of a more experienced officer. The annual salary of this
position is $39,773 with benefits estimated at $18,880. This position is funded
100 percent with County funds. This request was approved on a motion made by
Legislator Decker, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Refer to Ways
and Means
Weights and Measures Director Gilbert Green attended the
meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.
Legislator Decker addressed Mr. Green’s trip to Albany for recertification of
weights, scales, and a liquid measure set and asked if this is annual trip. Mr.
Gilbert stated this needs to be done every five years, and he typically tries
to split it up so he doesn’t have to go every year; however, this year he had a
bigger batch than normal.
Sheriff Rick Whitney attended the meeting and submitted his
monthly reports to the committee for review.
New York State 2019 Public Safety Answering Points
Sustainment Grant
Sheriff Whitney requested a resolution to accept and
establish a capital project for the appropriation of the New York State 2019
Public Safety Answering Points Sustainment Grant (PSAP). This grant has been
awarded annually in the amount of $10 million shared throughout 57 counties and
the City of New York. Allegany County’s share is $156,944 and will be used to
update much needed electronic equipment in the 911 Center. The funds should be
appropriated as follows:
Appropriation: Amount:
H3030.210 (Public Safety 911 – CAD) $156,944
H3030.3097.00 (Public Safety 911 – CAD – State Aid) $156,944
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator
Dibble, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
2018 Statewide Interoperable Communications Targeted Grant
Sheriff Whitney requested permission to apply for the 2018
Statewide Interoperable Communications Targeted Grant. This grant is being
awarded annually in the amount of $65 million dollars shared throughout 57
counties and the City of New York. These monies, if accepted, will be used to
continue enhancing our 911 public safety radio communications. This request was
approved on a motion made by Committee Chairman Healy, seconded by Legislator
Havey, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
Radio Project Update
Radio Technician Matt Evans attended the meeting and
provided an update on the Radio Project. Recently they did a walkthrough and
addressed items that still need to be addressed and met with Motorola to
discuss plans for moving forward. There was a delay with the Alfred tower due
to easements; however, it has been resolved. Legislator Hopkins asked if anyone
will need to get new radios or will what they have work off the new system.
Sheriff Whitney stated if they get the grants they are expecting, they will
replace the radios for all police and fire departments throughout the County.
Legislator Barnes noted that it seems the radios are consistently needing to be
updated and new ones purchased. Sheriff Whitney stated that technology is
always changing, and this plan for new radios has been in place for quite a few
years. County Treasurer Terri Ross noted that 2013 was when the radio project
began to get everyone on the same radio.
Raise the Age
Legislator Harris requested an update on the Raise the Age
Legislation. Sheriff Whitney stated they are meeting this month; however, at
this point they are still unsure of how it’s going to work. Legislator Harris
asked if they currently have any 16 year olds incarcerated, and Sheriff Whitney
stated, yes, they have one 16-year-old female.
911 Enumeration Project Update
Sheriff Whitney stated Dispatcher Russ Hall has been working
hard on the 911 Enumeration Project. Recently Mr. Hall worked on Alfred
University and Alfred State campuses and has marked every building with a
number. This information has been sent to the state and now, if they receive a
call, they will know which specific building is in need. Committee Chairman
Healy asked how the plan he requested in writing is going. Sheriff Whitney
stated they are still working on it. Legislator Decker asked if there is a
group assigned yet to handle the locations where numbers are incorrect and need
new signage. Sheriff Whitney stated they are working on a plan and have reached
out to the Alfred State Surveying Department to see if they would be interested
in having it be a class project. If not, they will look into volunteers or
hiring a part-time employee. Legislator Decker questioned the ability of
volunteers to properly follow the plan to change the signs. Sheriff Whitney
stated with thorough training he believes volunteers would be okay to help with
the project.
There being no further business to come before the committee,
the meeting was adjourned at 11:38 a.m. following a motion by Legislator Havey,
seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary to the Clerk of the
Allegany County Board of Legislators