
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Press Release: Ardent Solutions Hosts Fall Prevention Training for Volunteers

“Matter of Balance” Managing Concerns about Falls
Upcoming Coach Training Sessions Announced-Volunteers Needed
Are you concerned about family members, friends or neighbors falling and becoming injured?  Do you want to help teach others about common problems that contribute to falls and simple steps to prevent them?  Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity to make a real difference in your community? Ardent Solutions, Inc. is looking for volunteers to help teach A Matter of Balance, a proven program designed to help people manage concerns about falls and increase physical activity.
“Ardent Solutions, Inc. is reaching out to potential volunteers who are passionate about improving the quality of life for seniors, individuals living with a chronic disease and those living with a disability that may impair balance and increase the fear of falling,” stated Melissa Biddle, Ardent Solutions, Inc. Community Health Division Manager. “A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls is a two-hour workshop series delivered in eight separate sessions. The class uses group discussion, problem–solving strategies, videos and gentle physical exercise. Older adults learn positive coping methods to reduce their fear of falling and remain active and independent.”
In America, falls and fall related injuries are among the most serious and common medical problems experienced by older adults.  Nearly one-third of older persons fall each year, and half of them fall more than once.   Because of underlying osteoporosis and decreased mobility and reflexes, falls can result in serious medical complications; including hip fractures and other fractures, head injuries or even death in older adults.
The fear of falling can be just as devastating.  Emotional and social isolation may occur as individuals avoid social activities and recreational programs that they previously participated in and enjoyed; including visiting family and friends, going to church, or taking part in community events.  “The fear of falling can have a dramatic effect on a person’s quality of life,” explained Biddle. “A Matter of Balance empowers people to learn how to manage their fear of falling through practical strategies applicable in their homes and in the community.”
To become a Coach, individuals must attend A Matter of Balance Coaches training prior to facilitating their first class. “We are looking for Coaches with good communication and interpersonal skills, enthusiasm, dependability and a willingness to lead small groups of older adults in community settings such as senior centers, senior housing programs, senior apartment complexes, and any other site that is willing to host a workshop series,” continued Biddle. “Coaches also need to be able to lead low to moderate level exercises. Retired teachers, retired nurses or anyone with experience leading groups and time to dedicate to teaching at least two series of classes per year are encouraged to become a Coach. Class materials and on-going assistance is provided.”
The A Matter of Balance Coach Certification Training is scheduled for Monday, June 25, 2018, (9:00am – 1:00pm) and Wednesday, June 27, 2018 (9:30am – 2:30pm) in Wellsville, New York. You must attend both days of the training to become a Certified A Matter of Balance Coach. If you would like to attend the Coaches training, or want more information about upcoming A Matter of Balance classes, please contact Melissa Biddle, Community Health Division Manager at Ardent Solutions, Inc. at 585-593-5223, ext. 1015.  Pre-Registration is required by Monday, June 18, 2018. Space is limited.