
Monday, March 20, 2017

Opinion: NYS Village elections are Tuesday

In case you missed it, village elections in New York State are Tuesday. Olean and Wellsville newspapers have each printed is oblivious in modern times. There was a time when local media (broadcast and print) focused on these events...then times changed and there were budget cuts and...behold the advent of social media where every post was gospel.
In Allegany County, there are essentially two villages with 'active' races, essentially; Bolivar and Andover. The Bolivar race has pretty much flown under the radar. A newspaper piece here and there. In Andover, the Dems and GOP have flocked to this site (others no doubt) to spread 'the word.' Andover is an amazing small community (as is Bolivar). But the candidates in Andover have flocked to this site to spread a message.  Good for them. The candidates reached out to modern media to spread a message. Doesn't matter who the candidates are (those elected will be hounded by this site for comment-fair warning)...but the cool thing is...candidates are reaching out to express viewpoints. Agree. Disagree. Doesn't matter. Candidates are making an effort to reach...YOU. Now, YOU, must vote.