
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Alfred State: Dr. Mauro reflects on success and excitement for the future

In his opening address, Alfred State College President Dr. Steve Mauro reflected on the success the college has had during his tenure and shared his excitement for even more growth in the future. 

Mauro started the spring semester by highlighting success within the college’s strategic plan with a focus on initiatives that will propel the college into the future. Alfred State’s strategic plan has three pillars: attracting new students, strengthening academic and student success, and cultivating a caring community. 

“Three years ago, when I started at Alfred State, I asked what is already successful and what areas can we improve,” stated Mauro. “We created metrics within each strategic goal, and it’s been amazing to see the growth we have achieved in such a short period of time.” 

Alfred State is enjoying a record increase in applications and visits, is offering more scholarship support to students, and advancing into new markets for recruitment. New academic programs and pathways are being expedited through development, and new athletic programs and club sports have been added. 

The college has seen retention rates climb because of increased academic support, new instructional and student support positions, and an increase in student engagement opportunities. These retention efforts help students succeed and contribute to enrollment success. 

Increased communication channels, enhanced programs focusing on health and well-being, and expanded programs to support and develop employees have continued to cultivate a caring community. This emphasis on access, training, and communication has also led to increased satisfaction scores among faculty and staff for their opinion of college leadership and strategy alignment. 

With growth, many future initiatives revolve around meeting the college’s need for space and equipment. Mauro highlighted plans to utilize outdoor spaces better for recreational activities, studies to examine existing space usage, and announced an agreement that the college will operate the Collegiate Restaurant beginning in July as a living lab for student skill-building. 

Mauro welcomed new employees, gave updates on the budget, and encouraged faculty and staff to participate in campus and community events throughout the semester. An open mic session gave faculty and staff the opportunity to brag on accomplishments and upcoming events. 

In conclusion, Mauro thanked the faculty and staff for all their hard work and effort. “It is an exciting time at Alfred State, and I look forward to collaborating with our community to continue the amazing work we do here.” 

Spring semester classes begin at ASC on Tuesday, January 21.