November 4, 2020
Members Present: D. Healy, W. Dibble, B. Harris, S. Havey, J. Hopkins, C. Crandall (Absent: D. Decker)
Other Present: G. Barnes, A. Bigelow, B. Budinger, P. Curran, D. Fanton, K. Graves, K. Hooker, C. Ivers, C. Knapp, K. Monroe, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, D. Root, R. Starks, P. Stockin, B. VanHousen, M. Washer, R. Whitney
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:21 p.m. by Public Safety Committee Chairman Dwight “Mike” Healy.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried to approve the Public Safety Committee minutes for October 7, 2020, with the following amendments:
First Amendment:
The revenue account for the acceptance of the FY2020 Emergency Management Performance grant should reflect A3645.3306.EMPG8
Second Amendment:
Change: “The total grant with the SLETPP was $66,824, with 25 percent shared with the Sheriff’s Office towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities which equates to $20,056, and the remaining balance of $46,768 is for Emergency Services.”
To: “The total grant with the SLETPP is $66,824. The Sheriff’s Office portion to go towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities is $20,056, and the remaining balance of $46,768 is for Emergency Services.”
Public Defender Barb Kelley was unable to attend the meeting but submitted her monthly report to the committee for review.
Emergency Services Assistant Bonnie VanHousen attended the meeting and submitted her monthly report to the committee for review. Ms. VanHousen noted that she was attending the meeting on behalf of Mr. Luckey whose mother recently passed away.
Ms. VanHousen briefly highlighted her monthly report stating last month they met with the
Regional State Office of Emergency Services to start working on a plan for the Continuity of Operations Plan.
COVID-19 Assistance
Legislator Harris asked what type of assistance their office is providing to the nursing homes. Ms. VanHousen stated the nursing homes keep in contact with them when they experience an outbreak. Mr. Luckey and Ms. VanHousen indicated they are the middle man with providing nursing homes with PPE, gowns, masks, etc. Legislator Graves asked if there is a shortage of PPE anywhere in the County. Ms. VanHousen stated the rescue squads have been hit hard, adding while they have been able to fill their requests, they are beginning to have trouble securing more.
District Attorney Keith Slep was unable to attend the meeting but submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.
STOP-DWI Coordinator Brian Perkins attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Perkins noted that in addition to the upcoming three scheduled Victim Impact Panels, they will be holding an evening session at the Jail on Tuesday, November 17, for those that can’t make them during the day.
Mr. Perkins stated the STOP-DWI annual meeting was held virtually in October where they discussed 2021 funding. Mr. Perkins indicated there should not be much impact from the state’s 20 percent hold because STOP-DWI funds come entirely from collecting fines.
Probation Director Robert Starks attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Starks briefly highlighted his report stating juvenile referrals are down and investigations continue to be down which is to be expected as the courts are not fully functioning yet. Legislator Hopkins asked if they are seeing more juvenile intakes in the last few months as things have re-opened. Mr. Starks stated their Persons in Need of Supervision (PINS) have picked up now that school is back in session.
Request to Fill Officer Trainee Position
Mr. Starks requested permission to fill one full-time Probation Officer Trainee (AFSCME, Grade 16, Step: Base). This position is needed as the Probation Department is short one Probation Officer in addition to a vacant Probation Supervisor position. This has necessitated a supervisor taking on some of the duties of the vacant Probation Officer position, and the hiring of a Probation Officer Trainee will free up the supervisor to resume his supervisory duties full-time.
The annual salary of this position is $40,655 with benefits estimated at $16,254. This position is funded 100 percent with County dollars. Legislator Harris asked how long the position has been vacant. Mr. Starks indicated since mid-June. Legislator Harris asked if the position was budgeted and paid through 2020 as well as being budgeted for in 2021. Mr. Starks stated, yes; however, the 2021 salary will be lower as it is a trainee position. County Administrator Knapp stated that Mr. Starks has a done a good job at not immediately filling vacancies, adding this position isn’t the only one he has waited to fill, and he has saved the County some money by doing so. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
Approval of Catholic Charities of Buffalo (Multi-Systemic Therapy Services) Agreement
Mr. Starks requested a resolution approving an agreement between Catholic Charities of Buffalo (MST) of 3982 Main Street, Amherst, NY, 14203 and the Allegany County Probation Department to provide multi-systemic therapy services for youth and their families. This agreement will commence January 1, 2021, and expire on December 3 , 2021. The annual cost of this agreement is not to exceed $153,459 for their services. Legislator Harris asked what the nature of services are that they provide and is it fully funded by the state. Mr. Starks stated it is funded 62 percent with state funds and 38 percent with local. Mr. Starks continued it is a pretty intensive 4 to 6-month program where they are in the home of youth juvenile delinquents two to three times a week trying to resolve issues within the family or school. Legislator Harris asked if this program is state mandated, and Mr. Starks stated not to his knowledge. This request was approved on a motion made Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Approval of Rehabilitating & Empowerment Disadvantaged Youth (R.E.D.Y.) Agreement
Mr. Starks requested a resolution approving an agreement between Rehabilitating & Empowerment Disadvantaged Youth (R.E.D.Y.) of 180 N. Park Ave., Suite C, Warren, OH, 44481 and the Allegany County Probation Department to provide mentoring services for youths involved with the Probation Department. This agreement will commence January 1, 2021, and expire on December 31, 2021. The annual cost of this agreement is not to exceed $29,101 for their services.
Mr. Starks stated this program is used when they have truancy issues with youth, adding they will go into the home to help motivate the youth to get to school. Legislator Stockin asked if we historically spend this total amount every year. Mr. Starks stated they didn’t get to that level this year, adding this is Probation’s first year of planning to use them extensively so he cannot provide a gauge on whether or not they will reach that total amount. Legislator Burdick asked if there is a charge to the families who use this service, and Mr. Starks stated, no. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Weights & Measures Director Gilbert Green was unable to attend the meeting but submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.
Sheriff Rick Whitney attended the meeting and submitted his monthly reports to the committee for review. Sheriff Whitney stated they participated in the Pill Drop on October 24 and collected approximately 200 pounds. Sheriff Whitney stated they had three assessors from the State Sheriff’s Association come to the Jail to see if they qualify to be accredited. The Jail did pass, and they were re-accredited and received a nice report.
Sheriff Whitney noted they also had a member of the State Commission of Corrections come and do a walk-through of the facility to observe their COVID-19 procedures. There were no issues found, but Sheriff Whitney stated he did express his displeasure with the State Commission of Corrections that they had a member first tour a Jail where there are COVID-19 cases, and then come to our Jail where there are none.
Alfred Tower
Sheriff Whitney stated they are working on the electric at the Alfred tower this week, and they just have to wait for Skyway to come down and make the necessary connections. Legislator Dibble asked if there is a contractor lined up to do the testing. Sergeant Andy Bigelow stated Skyway would be doing the testing. Sheriff Whitney noted there is no estimate on how long it will take as everything depends on the weather. Legislator Root stated she understands that we have backup generators on our towers that sometimes don’t work, adding she was told there is a new, very inexpensive, sensor system that would alert them when the towers are down, but is only going up on one tower. Mrs. Root asked why these inexpensive sensors aren’t going on every tower so we don’t have to rely on waiting for people to call us to say a tower is down. Sgt. Bigelow stated there is a system in place that alerts them when there is an issue with a tower, and a Radio Technician will then go to the tower and resolve the issue. Sgt. Bigelow continued if Legislator Root is referring to broadband issues, they don’t get notified for those until the service provider makes them aware. Legislator Root stated this system alerts them that there is no power to the tower which also automatically takes broadband down; however, it takes a couple of days for the broadband provider to be notified that a tower is down. Legislator Root asked if they can improve on this system. Sgt. Bigelow stated he can’t speak on behalf of broadband providers as their main concern is with the radio communications. Committee Chairman Healy asked for clarification that the broadband system is not on a separate tower. Sgt. Bigelow stated, yes, broadband is on their towers; however, it is handled by each individual service provider.
Public Service Award
Committee Chairman Healy recognized Sheriff Whitney for the recent public service award he received. Sheriff Whitney stated he received a medal from one of the past international presidents. Mr. Healy stated he appreciates all of our County employees and department heads that give back to their community beyond the services they provide through their daily job.
Request for Step Increase for a Particular Sergeant in the Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Whitney stated he has an employee that was promoted to Sergeant in July 2019, after which the Allegany County Deputy Sheriff’s Association’s contract was ratified in April of 2020. When the Sergeant was promoted, he was moved to the next half step above his pay scale in the Sergeant’s grade and step. With the ratification of the contract, he is now making less than if he would have remained in the Corrections Officer position. Sheriff Whitney has asked Human Resources as well as the Treasurer’s Office if there was any recourse to help keep a good employee appropriately paid. Sheriff Whitney was advised there is no mechanism to achieve this except to ask the Board for a two-step increase in 2021. Sheriff Whitney continued that he feels this is important as this Sergeant has taken on extra responsibility and represents the Sheriff’s Office and the County very well. Sheriff Whitney does not want to send the message to other County employees that doing extra work will go unrecognized and unrewarded. The fiscal impact of this request is $1,600. Sheriff Whitney noted that if this request doesn’t go through, this Sergeant is considering going back to a Corrections Officer, adding it will be hard to find people to step into that position. Legislator Graves asked if this is a contract language issue. Sheriff Whitney stated this employee’s promotion to Sergeant put him at Step 1 for his new Sergeant pay grade, and with the raises the Deputies just got with their contract, he is now making less than the employees he supervises. Legislator Graves stated that’s not right. Committee Chairman Healy stated while there isn’t necessarily an issue with Sheriff Whitney’s requests, there needs to be further discussion and explanation with the Personnel Committee of the matters involved in this process. Administrator Knapp noted that this would need to be referred to Personnel anyways as they are the Committee of Jurisdiction to approve step and grade increases. Committee
Chairman Healy asked if these have been budgeted. Sheriff Whitney stated, no, they were included in his original budget request; however, they were cut before the final budget for next year was submitted. Legislator Barnes asked if this is an odd ball situation or if this will happen every time he wants to promote someone. Sheriff Whitney stated depending on what the next contract is, it could. Sheriff Whitney continued the current contract is for five-years, so it shouldn’t happen again unless something changes with the next contract, adding they would like to have a connection so it’s automatic when the union gives an increase, the supervisors would get a similar increase as well. A motion was made by Legislator Havey, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried to refer this request to Personnel. Refer to Personnel Committee
Request for Step and Grade Increase for the Jail Administrator and (2) Lieutenant’s
Sheriff Whitney stated this request goes along with his previous request for his Sergeant. With the ratification of the Allegany Deputy Sheriff’s Contract, he feels the Board should also take action on the Sheriff’s Office Administrative staff; specifically, the Jail Administrator and our two Lieutenant positions. I am requesting the following increases in grade and step in 2021 for:
Jail Administrator Grade 11 Step 9
Lieutenant Grade 09 Step 9
The fiscal impact of this request is $12,517. Administrator Knapp noted this request also needs to be referred to Personnel. A motion was made by Legislator Havey, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried to refer this request to Personnel. Refer to Personnel Committee
Regional Emergency Medical Services Council Re-Appointment
Committee Chairman Healy stated that Scott Lanphier’s term on the Regional Emergency Medical Services Council expires on December 31, 2020. A motion was made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Harris, and carried to re-appoint Mr. Lanphier to a new four-year term commencing January 1, 2021, and expiring December 31, 2024. Prepare Resolution
There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:54 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary
Allegany County Board of Legislators