November 18, 2020
Members Present: D. Root, G. Barnes, J. Burdick, W. Dibble, D. Healy, J. Hopkins, J. Ricci, C.
Crandall (Absent: P. Curran)
Others Present: B. Budinger, D. Decker, K. Dirlam, D. Fanton, K. Graves, B. Harris, K. Hooker, C. Knapp, B. Riehle, T. Ross, P. Stockin, M. Washer
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:55 p.m. by Planning & Economic Development Committee Chair Debra Root.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Ricci, and carried to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2020, Planning & Economic Development Committee meeting.
Planning Director Kier Dirlam attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Dirlam briefly highlighted items and events from his monthly report.
Mr. Dirlam stated he participated in the NYSAC effort to provide testimony on the new ORES law that oversees large scale renewable energy projects for solar, adding it should help streamline the process. Legislator Burdick asked what is considered a large scale project. Mr. Dirlam indicated solar projects over 25 MW are considered large scale.
Mr. Dirlam noted that the Landbank is currently constructing a house in Wellsville on Clark Street. The exterior work should be completed soon, and they will continue interior work through the winter.
Ralph Wilson, Jr. Grant
Legislator Harris asked for an update on the Ralph Wilson, Jr. grant and easement work. Mr. Dirlam stated they have hired an attorney who has been looking at what the issues are with various ownership. They should be meeting the first week in December, and he anticipates they are approximately 30 percent complete.
Request to Transfer Funds
Mr. Dirlam requested a resolution approving the transfer of funds within the following appropriation accounts. The reason for this transfer is that the 2020 A8020.201 Equipment line is slightly less than the actual cost of replacing a computer and related peripherals. The computer came in at a higher rate than what was originally anticipated when the original budget was submitted. We will utilize mileage funds that have not been utilized due to COVID-19.
From: To: Amount:
A8020.402 (Planning – Contractual Expenses) A8020.201(Planning – Equipment) $325
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by
Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Employment and Training Director Reita Sobeck-Lynch was unable to attend the meeting but submitted her monthly report to the committee for review.
Greater Allegany County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Gretchen Hanchett was unable to attend the meeting but submitted her monthly report to the committee for review. Legislator Dibble thanked Quicklee’s for allowing us to keep our Mobile Tourism Information Trailer in their parking lot throughout the winter. Legislator Healy stated several people have mentioned seeing it and think it’s a great idea.
Allegany County Development and Industrial Development Agency Executive Director Craig Clark was unable to attend the meeting but submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Legislator Burdick asked what the holdup is on the waterline final closeout. Mr. Dirlam indicated it was mostly financials. Legislator Graves asked if water is flowing through the pipes, and Mr. Dirlam stated, yes. Legislator Ricci asked how contracts are handled for those who want water. Mr. Dirlam stated that process has already been created. Those interested in filling out an application just need to call their office at 585-268-7472 option 1, or they may also stop into their office.
There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 2:12 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary
Allegany County Board of Legislators