
Friday, September 4, 2020

Gov. Cuomo announces fourth straight week COVID-19 infection rate below 1%

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the fourth straight week that New York State's COVID-19 infection rate has remained below 1 percent. Yesterday, 0.92 percent of tests reported to the state were positive. The number of new cases, percentage of tests that were positive and many other helpful data points are always available at
"Thanks to the hard work of New Yorkers across the state, New York has now gone four straight weeks with an infection rate below one percent," Governor Cuomo said. "Next week, malls in New York City and casinos across the state will be able to open, marking another milestone in our battle against COVID-19. But we cannot become complacent - we must continue to protect our progress. We must all continue to wear masks, social distance, wash our hands and above all, stay New York tough."
Of the 93,395 test results reported to New York State yesterday, 864, or 0.92 percent, were positive. Each region's percentage of positive test results reported over the last three days is as follows: