
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Charge dismissed against Alma Town Supervisor

A criminal charge against the Alma Town Supervisor has been dismissed. Ronald R. Steadt was arrested at the conclusion of a town board meeting December 30, 2019. He had been charged with harassment. The case was moved from Alma to the Town of Willing court and a Special Prosecutor was assigned. In an order signed July 28, 2020, Willing Town Justice Daniel J. Guiney wrote, "...the above named Defendant appeared before this court in person on July 28, 2020 and the People have appeared by Roy D. Bielewicz, and the Special Prosecutor having moved to dismiss the information herein in the interests of justice pursuant Criminal Procedure Law section 170.40, it is hereby...ORDERED, the information filed herein is dismissed."
Steadt was arrested at the conclusion of another highly charged town board meeting. According to WRN's original story posted January 1st, Steadt was charged because a woman felt threatened by him. She later reportedly slapped the Supervisor.