
Friday, April 6, 2018

Allegany County: Smoking age issue raises concern - Letter to the Editor

Our county legislature has been dominated by Republicans for my entire life of forty one years. In that time, Allegany County’s economic situation can be defined by our low average income, our high property tax rates, and our decreasing population. When pressed as to why this situation persists, county leaders have almost always relied on the narrative which points the finger at ‘mandates,’ ‘downstate Democrats,’ or lately: ‘Cuomo’. This body remains unable to consolidate services, or lower taxes, or present a plan for either. These are imperatives that are not in focus.
Now our Republican legislative leaders are calling for an unprecedented local law which refuses the sale of tobacco to adults less than twenty one years of age. Even the ultimate liberal Democratic scapegoat, Governor Cuomo, hasn’t proposed such an intrusive big government policy. Yet, in arguably the most depressed economy in New York State, Allegany County leaders plan to add more regulation, enforcement, and administrative costs by passing a local law forbidding sale of a legal product to adults. Repeat this is not being mandated by anyone. This is a county law being proposed by Republicans.
In deciding to pursue this local legislation, Allegany County leaders will be voting for a law that will restrict the liberty of veterans of war. Before reaching twenty one years of age, many enlisted service members have already served two tours of duty. By the hand of local legislative action, these veterans won’t be able to buy a cigar at the I-86 truck stop of the future. Limiting the freedom of war vets and impeding commerce for retail merchants trying to rebuild our presence on the interstate in one vote for ‘the public good’: This is exactly the kind of bad policy Republicans assail Albany for because of its reasonably foreseeable consequences.
The use of tobacco has been steadily decreasing; In fact smoking rates are at record lows in New York State. While Allegany County might lag behind that trend, so do most counties with high poverty rates. Another social health threat is a growing concern, a major drain on public money, and is our largest health problem: obesity. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and many other health ailments are being caused by a diet of processed food and drink. The “cost” of this public health problem is much more than the “cost” of tobacco use. The Diabetes Council data suggests the health care service cost of obesity at around forty percent more than tobacco. So why is our local government pursuing policy which targets a shrinking problem while ignoring a growing concern?
How would voters feel if Allegany County passed a law which restricted the sale of soda or placed a special tax on McDonald’s? What if we forbid the sale of candy to children? This should sound absurd to you. It would be even more absurd coming from the political faction which constantly scolds the opposition for heavy handed, “NYC liberal”, big government tactics. Why are we pursuing these policies and not addressing the property tax burden?
We all agree that tobacco is bad news: we should keep our kids from buying it and adults should lead by example and quit smoking. We can still agree with that but insist that our county is in no position to start passing local laws that address this fading public health concern. Not unless they are prepared to address the largest, most expensive threat to public health: Obesity. Most of Allegany County identify as Republicans who believe in less government and this proposed law contradicts that core belief. The citizens who you represent by and large believe that the best way county government can impact our ‘public health’ is with an economic policy which creates jobs.
If the legislature intends to make dramatic new laws, they should focus on lifting our property tax burden as an honest means to improving the health of Allegany County.
Andrew Harris
Wellsville NY

Steve Havey
Gary Barnes
Karl Graves need not be contacted on this matter as he is in agreement with this opinion.
The public hearing on the law will be held April 9 at 2 p.m. in the Legislative Chambers, Room 221, in the County Office Building.