The site serves portions of New York and Pennsylvania. Radio broadcast news award winner in NY & PA. Send news releases to
Friday, February 23, 2018
I appreciate you - the reader
I've said this before, but I think it is appropriate to say often. To those who view this ad-free site (often many times per day)...thank you. There are plenty of news sites out there. Some better, some, well... not (opinion, of course). The fact that you trust this site is an honor. Yes, I make error's and I try to correct those mishaps immediately. I'm always the first to "fall on the sword." Sometimes the mistakes are from the source and sometimes I just make simple human missteps. I'm excited that this news blogs routinely has 60,000 + readers a week...sometimes 100,000+ is well, nothing short of amazing. I don't have 'a staff' but I do have dedicated 'news spotters' that help along the way. Local radio and newspapers should never be discounted. They scoop me time and time again. I'll admit, I enjoy the occasional "victory." (I earned those victories)! I think, or least I hope, I have a genuine relationship with area media. Many share info, e-mail 'tips' or ask permission to re-post a story from here. My goal is provide news to a region...quickly, promptly and accurately. I may not have much, but I have THIS...and it's a privilege I do not ignore.