
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Statement from Senator Young on the 2018-19 Executive Budget Proposal

Statement from Senator Young on the 2018-19 Executive Budget Proposal

“Over the next few months, Senate Republicans will be leading the charge to make New York more affordable for its residents and businesses. As I travel across my district, our state’s taxes and cost of living are the top issues that concern residents. They not only want a better quality of life for themselves, they want to ensure that New York is a place where jobs and opportunities are within reach for their children and grandchildren.  

That is why I was happy to hear Governor Cuomo promise to preserve the historic, middle-class tax cuts that the Senate fought for, and that will deliver $4.2 billion in savings to taxpayers when fully implemented. These reductions will provide benefits across the board - from young people starting careers and families, to seniors looking to make ends meet – allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned money. I was also glad to hear him reiterate his commitment to property tax relief through the rebate program and property tax cap.
Although the Governor has stated that we have a $4.4 billion budget deficit, that figure actually shrinks to $1.7 billion when a spending cap of
2 percent is imposed, a measure that will be a priority of Senate Republicans. We will oppose the proposed tax increases in the Executive Budget and, instead, will be fighting for additional tax relief measures that will build on the  progress we’ve made in making New York a more affordable place to live, work and do business.

Our children should benefit from world-class educational opportunities, which is why I was encouraged to hear the Governor confirm that education funding will be a budget priority. We will also be working to ensure that funding to our hospitals and health care system will support the quality and access that New Yorkers need and deserve.

Now the real challenge begins as we go through the next several weeks of analysis, budget hearings, and listening to feedback from our constituents.  The bottom line is that we need to pass a fiscally-responsible budget that will give every New Yorker the opportunity to succeed and keep moving New York further down the path of growth and prosperity.”