January 3, 2018
Members Present: D. Healy, W. Dibble, D. Decker, B. Harris, S. Havey, J. Hopkins, C. Crandall
Others Present: G. Barnes, T. Boyde, B. Budinger, L. Edwards, D. Fanton, K. Graves, G. Green, K. Hooker, K. Hollis, R. Hollis, C. Ivers, C. Knapp, J. Luckey, K. Monroe, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, D. Root, T. Ross, K. Slep, R. Starks, P. Stockin, R. Swarthout, M. Washer, R. Whitney
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 11:01 a.m. by Public Safety Committee Chairman Dwight "Mike" Healy.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Legislator Decker, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried to approve the Public Safety Committee minutes for December 6, 2017.
Under the Fire Advisory Board Appointments, the following names need to be corrected:
Carle Green should be spelled Carl Green
Loren Lozier should be spelled Loren Luzier
Public Defender Barbara Kelley attended the meeting and submitted her monthly report to the committee for review. Ms. Kelley stated things are holding steady, and numbers are very similar to last year at this time. Ms. Kelley stated their two new employees hired through the Counsel at First Appearance grant started the first of the year, and everything is going well. Committee Chairman Healy noted that these positions were approved in 2017.
Emergency Management and Fire Director Jeff Luckey attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Luckey stated he has been working on the EMS Program and wrapped up their fall season, and it won’t be until January that they know the total number of students that passed. Mr. Luckey stated he responded to a CPR call at the Landfill, and a house fire in Birdsall. Committee Chairman Healy asked if the fire in Birdsall was an occupied structure. Mr. Luckey stated, yes, and the fire department did an excellent job responding.
STOP-DWI Coordinator Linda Edwards attended the meeting and submitted her monthly report to the committee for review. Ms. Edwards stated on December 7 she assisted the Alfred University Social Justice Class with a drunk driving project where the students completed tasks while wearing drunk vision goggles. The students made comparisons wearing goggles simulating a .05 and .10 blood alcohol content, and all thought the goggles were set higher than the actual limit. Ms. Edwards noted that this was an eye opening and educational experience for them. Ms. Edwards stated the 2018 STOP-DWI plan has been approved, and they are receiving an additional $22,500 from the state. Ms. Edwards stated the Dan Barkley Basketball Showcase will be held Friday, January 12, 2018, through Saturday, January 13, 2018. Admission is $2 for students, and adults are $5 per day or $8 or the weekend. All games will be held at the Alfred University McLane Center and begin 6:15 p.m. on Friday. This year’s showcase will feature an athlete’s exhibit and an Rx Abuse exhibit. Legislator Decker stated both Allegany and Steuben Public Safety Committee Minutes January 3, 2018 Page 2 of 4
County have each won a tournament, and with this being the third year, it will be a rubber match. Legislator Decker continued that it’s a good way to see the kids play an extra game between counties, while also educating them on drunk driving and getting it on their radar. Committee Chairman Healy stated it takes a lot of hard work for Ms. Edwards and her staff, and they are very appreciative.
District Attorney Keith Slep attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Slep introduced his investigator Dennis Vespucci to the committee. Mr. Slep stated it was fairly quiet in December, but they did have one heroin related death. Committee Chairman Healy asked what the outlook is for the new year. Mr. Slep stated that based on the Governor’s new proposals, it’s not good.
Probation Director Robert Starks attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Starks summarized his monthly report to the new Legislators. Mr. Starks stated that Probation Supervisor Scott Grantier will be attending his second American Probation and Parole Association Leadership Institute weekend from January 19 through January 22. Mr. Starks reminded the committee that they did receive a $3,000 scholarship to offset the costs for him to attend. Mr. Starks stated that Probation Officer Sara Mahoney will be the main presenter on a nationwide webinar on how to best write Domestic Violence Pre-Plea/Pre-Sentence Investigations. This webinar will be held on January 25, 2018, and Mr. Starks noted this is a fantastic opportunity for both his office and our County, and we have good people with good skills able to convey this to other departments around the state and country. Committee Chairman Healy asked if there are any foreseen challenges going forward. Mr. Starks stated the heroin problem and Raise the Age will be their biggest. Committee Chairman Healy asked for an update on the Youth Court. Mr. Starks stated they had two to three youth they were able to refer to them.
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Director Gilbert Green attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Legislator Decker asked if all stations are moving from 91 to 90 Octane. Mr. Green stated it’s mostly downstate, and he has not heard if it’s going to affect the County.
Sheriff Rick Whitney attended the meeting and submitted his monthly reports to the committee for review. Sheriff Whitney introduced his staff and summarized his monthly report to the new Legislators. Legislator Decker asked Sheriff Whitney to highlight the Shop-with-a-Cop Program. Sheriff Whitney stated it’s a program they have done for years through Kmart. Social Services picks approximately 100 underprivileged children who come to Kmart, and officers from agencies around the County help them with their Christmas shopping. Legislator Decker then asked where the funds come from. Sheriff Whitney stated some of the funds come from their Beard for Bucks Program, TRIAD Program, as well as funds raised through charity. Legislator Decker commented that it has been a very successful program. Committee Chairman Healy asked what agencies participate. Sheriff Whitney stated through the years every agency has. This year the Sherriff’s Office, State Police, Cuba Police Department, Angelica Police Department, Village of Wellsville Police Department, and SUNY Alfred Police Department attended. Sheriff Whitney noted that Alfred’s Martial Arts Program comes and helps wrap the presents. Legislator Hopkins asked if there is an estimate on how much the children were able to spend. Sheriff Public Safety Committee Minutes January 3, 2018 Page 3 of 4
Whitney stated just through their program $2,000 was donated, and between $5,000 and $10,000 is donated total. Each child has $40 to spend, and each officer has a $50 gift card in case the purchase exceeds the $40. If the purchase exceeds the additional gift card, the officer typically pays the remaining balance out of pocket. Legislator Decker commented that programs like these make this time of year joyous for these kids. Committee Chairman Healy commented that there are many community organizations that do something during the holidays, but Shop-with-a Cop has the biggest bang for its buck, adding that not only does it help children have a better Christmas, it also teaches them that law enforcement is not their enemy. Legislator Stockin stated he recently had the privilege of touring the Jail facility, and it was very impressive, adding that seeing things there gives more meaning to the words and numbers provided on the Sheriff’s monthly reports. Legislator Havey stated that he also toured the facility and shares Legislator Stockin’s sentiments. Committee Chairman Healy encouraged all new and veteran Legislators to tour the facility.
Sheriff Whitney stated that the Immigrations Custom Enforcement (ICE) population is down to zero because immigration pulled all inmates from our facility and designated 80 beds at their Batavia facility for female inmates. They have noticed it costs them a lot of money to send two ICE officers almost daily to different counties to interview inmates. Sheriff Whitney wanted the committee to be aware it was nothing they did, they still like our facility, we remain in contract with them and will be receiving any overflow from the 80 beds in Batavia. Committee Chairman Healy asked if this will be a trend with our other federal inmates. Sheriff Whitney stated he doesn’t believe so with the US Marshal’s, but it could be as immigration is a hot topic right now with our Governor. Committee Chairman Healy asked how this will affect our revenue. Sheriff Whitney stated if it remains that we won’t get their inmates, it will affect our revenue; however, they are hoping to increase their US Marshal’s. Committee Chairman Healy asked for a worst case scenario. Sheriff Whitney stated in 2017 we brought in just under $350,000. Legislator Harris asked what the ratio is of males to females for US Marshal inmates, ICE inmates, and local inmates. Sheriff Whitney stated US Marshal inmates are predominantly male, ICE inmates are predominantly female, and local inmates are 80 percent male. Legislator Hopkins stated that she is very appreciative to Sheriff Whitney for being a panelist at the Heroin & Opioid event at Cuba-Rushford school, adding that these events are part of our Heroin & Opioid Ad Hoc Committee.
Legislator Graves commented on the freezing temperatures and the social media and news reports of dogs, horses, and/or other animals being chained to a tree or post with no water and asked if the Sheriff has had any reports coming into 911 regarding them. Legislator Graves referred to a well-known case in Scio, NY, on Main Street stating there is a large sense of frustration with our constituents that nothing can be done to help them. Sheriff Whitney stated the situation in Scio has been well documented and is an ongoing situation with that subject. There have been tickets issued due to her demeanor, and she is no longer allowed in Scio Court. Sheriff Whitney continued that the State Police and the Sheriff’s Office have been there as well as animal control, but he is unsure at this point what will be done. Legislator Graves stated that Suffolk County adopted a local law for offenders who are not allowed to have animals, and questioned if it’s something we can do for our County. Committee Chairman Healy asked what the protocol is for calls to 911 regarding this matter. Sheriff Whitney stated they are dispatched to the residence. Committee Chairman Healy noted that the towns have a dog control officer and the SPCA has enforcement officers as well. Sheriff Whitney commented that while he is not 100 percent up to date on this case, he is aware that there are many organizations that refuse to go to this residence due to the actions taken by the occupant. Chairman Crandall stated he received a call from a concerned citizen regarding a similar situation, and he directed her to Assemblyman Giglio and Senator Young. Public Safety Committee Minutes January 3, 2018 Page 4 of 4
E-911 Dispatcher positions
The Sheriff’s Office requested to fill two full-time E-911 Dispatchers (AFSCME Council 66 Bargaining Unit, Grade 13, Step: Base). The annual salary of these positions is $74,141.06 ($36,070.53 x2) with benefits estimated at $32,247.06 ($16,123.53 x2). These positions are funded 100 percent with County dollars. Sheriff Whitney stated one dispatcher is retiring after 25 years with the County, and the other does not want to work full-time anymore. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Decker, seconded by Legislator Harris, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means
Good of the Order
Public Safety Committee Vice-Chairman Bill Dibble stated he is happy to be back, and wished everyone a happy new year.
Public Safety Sub-Committee Update
Legislator Decker stated that last year they initiated a policy requiring all employees to enter the building through a security station and go through the magnetometer. Part of those discussions included being able to secure the building and lock certain areas. They hope to accomplish this after the third floor renovations have been completed and employees are moved around. Public Works Deputy Superintendent Dean Scholes stated he has had conversations with Steve Brown and Sgt. Andy Bigelow, and they will be working on getting quotes to bring back to the committee. Committee Chairman Healy asked Legislator Decker to provide some background on the Public Safety Sub-Committee to the new Legislators. Legislator Decker stated that it started early last year to address having all County employees as well as visitors go through the security mags to keep our facilities safe and secure. The policy was initiated with the goal of securing the front area so an individual cannot get any further beyond security.
There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:47 a.m. following a motion by Legislator Havey, seconded by Legislator Dibble, and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary to the Clerk of the Board
Allegany County Board of Legislators