
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Rep. Reed: Trump probe nothing but "political theater"

Congressman Tom Reed (R-Corning) held his weekly media call this morning. It began, like most do, with a three minute statement on his battle to bring back manufacturing jobs and citing the bipartisan effort. Finally, about ten minutes into the call, Hornell Evening Tribune reporter Jason Jordan asked the question that every reporter on the line sought. Jordan asked the Congressman about the Russia probe facing the President and the new drip by drip info about Donald Jr. and his involvement. Jordan said he wanted comments "for the record."
Rep. Reed said he supports the investigation, but added that it should be lead by the evidence. Reed called the entire issue "political theater." When Jordan pressed the Congressman if he thought impeachment hearings were in the future, Reed said he "won't speculate." Reed noted that, so far, the evidence "does not", in his opinion, "show collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government." When pressed even further by Jordan if there would ever be a point when Reed may rein back his Trump support...there was nothing but a distant response.