
Saturday, June 10, 2017

Allegany County District Attorney is about to get a raise - he'll make $185,200/yr

When the Allegany County Legislature meets on Monday, they'll consider a resolution to bump up the pay for the DA. They can hate it...and they do...And they can refuse it, and they have tried. But they forgot...Slep is a lawyer who knows the law, they're not. Will it pass? Likely. Will there be at least one likely 'safe' no vote (it's an election year, after all)... so yeah. Here's the resolution:
Offered by: Ways & Means Committee
Pursuant to Judiciary Law 183-a and Chapter 567 of the 2010 Laws of New York
WHEREAS, Section 183-a of the Judiciary Law states that a district attorney is to have the same salary as a county judge serving in the same county, and
 WHEREAS, Section 221-d of the Judiciary Law is the state statute establishing the annual salary of a county judge, and
 WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 567 of the 2010 Laws of New York, the State Legislature created a Special Commission on Judicial Compensation to make recommendations as to appropriate and fair salaries for the judges of this state, and
 WHEREAS, based upon the Commissions recommendations the twelve-month salary paid a county judge in Allegany County is to be increased to $185,200 for the period April 1, 2017,  through March 31, 2018,  and
 WHEREAS, as the salary of an Allegany County Judge will be raised to $185,200 on April 1, 2017, the salary of the Allegany County District Attorney must also increase to $185,200 as of that date,  and
WHEREAS, this Board needs to amend its salary plan governing the District Attorney to reflect the new salary as of April 1, 2017, now, therefore, be it
1.         That paragraph “7.” of Resolution No. 265-16 is amended to indicate that for a twelve month-period, commencing April 1, 2017, and ending March 31, 2018, the base salary of the Allegany County District Attorney shall be $185,200.
2.        This resolution shall take effect retroactive to April 1, 2017.