TO: TOWN SUPERVISORS AND TOWN CLERKS – Towns of Angelica, Belfast, Caneadea, Centerville, Granger, Hume, Rushford, VILLAGE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK – Village of Angelica
I Legislators plan to hold their quarterly district meeting at the Granger Town
Hall, 10404 County Rd 15, in Fillmore on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
meeting is being held for general discussion of mutual problems and interests. If
there are any specific topics you would like to have addressed, please let one
of your District I Legislators know, and they will try to provide a speaker for
a future meeting.
give notice of this meeting to your town and village board members and
encourage them to attend.
Kevin (Fred) Demick
Jennifer Ricketts-Swales
Philip G. Stockin