
Monday, December 21, 2020

News from the Town of Alfred



Dan Acton, Supervisor 

Road Law, NYSEG Tower, Sidewalk 

The virtual meeting of the town board was lightly attended this December however, those who zoomed in added a lot to the evening’s discussions.

 The first of the major topics, in addition to routine reports and approval of bills to be paid, was Highway Superintendent’s Bob Halsey’s proposal to prohibit parking on town roads during the winter months. The impetus for his proposal was increased parking on town roads. This was illustrated by his experience of a car parked on Lake Road when the crew was plowing snow. As the plow truck approached the car another car came from the opposite direction and a minor fender bender occurred. The proposal was discussed at length with the result that the board will work with the Superintendent to develop a modification to the town law regarding parking on town roads during the snow season. 

A long discussion regarding the broadcast tower NYSEG proposes to erect at the substation on State Route 244 in the town was the next order of business. The town board’s position is that a SEQR is required; the attorney for NYSEG states they are exempt from this requirement. The board decided to contact the town attorney with the intention of preventing the tower until the time a SEQR is completed by NYSEG. 

Lastly in response to a question about the proposed sidewalk, your supervisor reported that CPL engineers are preparing a video to explain the project. In addition to this video, all property owners along the proposed sidewalk, which would go on the Dollar General side of State Route 244 from Dollar General to Serv-U Credit Union, would receive a letter explaining the project. Both the video and letter are intended to get input from the community. After those happen a public hearing will be held on the project, which is expected to begin in 2021. 

Complete minutes are available at