
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Alfred State Archery Receives Equipment from Heritage Outdoor Sports and USA Archery

Alfred State Archery recently received help from two generous organizations to acquire needed equipment in advance of spring’s outdoor season. 

The team received a grant from USA Archery’s Collegiate Archery Program to support the purchase of new targets and stands. The available budget initially meant that the number of stands would be limited by the quantity they could afford. Mike Price, owner of Heritage Outdoor Sports, also stepped in and charged material costs only, providing the team the full number of stands they needed instead of what the team could afford.

Mike Price, owner of Heritage Outdoor Sports in Phelps, recently assisted the Alfred State Archery Team by providing much-needed stands in advance of the spring outdoor season.

Heritage Outdoor Sports is located in Phelps, where their academy and pro shop serve western New York and the Finger Lakes region. Owner Mike Price and his son Louis Price operate Heritage to introduce people to the life-changing discipline of archery. 

Alfred State Archery Coach Greg Sammons had praise for the organizations, noting that, “We are fortunate that USA Archery and the Easton Foundation are providing grant assistance to keep growing collegiate archery. The funds are amplified further when members of the archery family like Mike at Heritage decide to help. We felt honored that Mike allowed us to test the prototype stands and verify that these are indeed the most stable, rugged stands we’ve seen or ever used.” 

Sammons noted that Heritage has been a strong friend of the team before, adding, “Coach Price is nationally renowned and has previously donated his time and expertise with our team through skills workshops and advanced form analysis.” 

The Alfred State Archery Team has had their fall schedule disrupted due to COVID-19 and they plan to be back in action this winter with the USA Archery Indoor Nationals, where they will defend multiple medal finishes from this past February.