
Thursday, April 2, 2020

NYS Tentative agreement reached on new fiscal year budget - bail reform addressed

NY Post By Bernadette Hogan and Nolan Hick 

Gov. Cuomo and top Democratic state lawmakers struck a deal Wednesday that will taper back New York’s controversial criminal-justice overhaul by expanding the list of crimes for which judges can set bail for defendants.
“The important thing is: judges now have more discretion as to holding dangerous people,” said one Democratic lawmaker who backed the changes.
The proposal will allow judges to again set bail on a slew of crimes, including vehicular manslaughter, making a terroristic threat and for defendants rearrested on release.
Sources told The Post the state Senate is onboard, but liberal Assembly lawmakers oppose the proposal. Speaker Carl Heastie publicly backed last year’s bail overhaul for months, despite the controversy. But sources told The Post that mounting political pressure from Cuomo and moderate Democrats in the Senate — particularly the Long Island delegation — forced Heastie’s hand.
Additionally, there will be more state funding to help police departments and district attorneys comply with the state’s new discovery rules that require evidence be turned over within two weeks of a defendant’s arraignment.
The bail and discovery overhauls in last year’s budget were long sought by criminal justice advocates, who complained New York’s longstanding procedures allowed prosecutors to withhold evidence until just days before trial and frequently left defendants in city jails for months — sometimes more — awaiting trial.
Much remained unknown about the budget late Wednesday, hours after Cuomo told reporters at the state Capitol there was “a conceptual agreement.”
No price tag has been released and there were few details available about the status of Cuomo’s proposed Medicaid overhaul, which lawmakers and municipalities worry will cut hospitals funding and dump costs on cities and counties.
However, lawmakers did confirm that Cuomo won the power to make midyear adjustments to spending — a concession they chalked up to the practicalities of the coronavirus pandemic, which has decimated tax revenues.
The legislative session opened in January with lawmakers facing a $6 billion deficit — $4 billion of which was linked back to Medicaid, the state’s health insurance program for the poor. That was before the coronavirus outbreak torpedoed the state’s economy, causing tax revenues to drop by as much as $15 billion. The twin crises could leave the state with a budget hole in excess of $20 billion.