
Friday, April 5, 2019

Crandall campaign turns in nominating petitions for state senate

The Curt Crandall for Senate campaign announced late Thursday that petitions were filed with the State Board of Elections in Albany for the Republican line in the June 25 primary to fill the seat recently vacated by Senator Catharine Young. “I am seeking the Republican nomination only,” said Crandall. “My wife Cathy and I have been lifelong Republicans and very active in the party.  I will serve the people of the 57th District with traditional, conservative, Republican values.”  With an overwhelming number of petitions filed, well beyond the required amount, Crandall wants to thank the efforts and participation of those passing and signing his petitions. “Republican Committee members and others from across the 57th Senate District came forward on very short notice and helped obtain the required signatures by a wide margin. These people are the grassroots core of the Republican Party, and I want to thank them for their efforts. This is tangible evidence of strong support of the backbone of the Republican base in the 57th District,” said Crandall.