
Monday, April 22, 2019

Wellsville Village Board meeting gets heated over fire department issues

Supervisor Alsworth addresses
Wellsville village board
WELLSVILLE - Voices were raised and tension was in the air when town supervisor Shad Alsworth addressed the village board on fire department concerns this evening. At one point, there was an intense back and forth between Alsworth and mayor Randy Shayler. The town supervisor said there hasn't been a fire contract in "a year and a half." He expressed three primary concerns:

  1. The debate over who owns the fire department tanker and brush truck.
  2. How the fire department is spending the money it receives from the town.
  3. The potential that the fire department wants to buy rescue tools and equipment when the town already has a contract to provide ambulance and rescue services.
Alsworth said he met with Fire Board last week but they are 180 degrees apart. He also said people have come to him expressing concerns about on scene conflicts between the fire and ambulance/rescue service. Shayler pressed the supervisor for more details, but Alsworth said a public session wasn't the place. Things became intense quickly with this exchange:
Mayor Shayler listens to town supervisor
Shad: "These are the issues being presented to me, now I have presented them to you."
Randy: "Do you believe them?" 
Shad:"Yes, I wouldn't be standing here otherwise.
Randy: "These are your issues."
Shad: "Why would you say that? That's a ridiculous statement."
Randy: "No, it's not."
Shad: "These are issues that have been presented to me as the town supervisor.
(Both talked over each other, and then)
Randy: "take it easy...don't you walk into this room trying to talk me down."
Shad: "I'm presenting you with a problem.
Alsworth then dangled 'a nuclear option' noting that if the village and town couldn't reach agreement on basic issues, the town may have to consider other options for fire protection. He quickly added that, that wasn't an option he wanted. After 23 minutes and three seconds, the mayor said the village would review the concerns and get background information. The discussion will be continued at the next village board meeting. 
Village board listens to discussion on fire department