
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Alfred - Sinclair releases letter to the editor

Congressman Tom Reed has been "educating" the voters of NY 23rd Congressional District about "catastrophic" proposals regarding the internet and demonizing Democratic approaches calling them a "Government Takeover of Internet". There are myriad issues which do need to be debated regarding the future of the internet, but  one should look carefully at the rhetoric put forth by Tom Reed. His solutions, disguise and hide, among a buffet of feel good suggestions, a Trojan Horse containing measures to facilitate the rollout of 5G. Reed does not want new communications technologies reviewed or approved by the federal government. Local municipalities have already been informed they will be denied the rights of environmental impact review when it comes to the placement of antennas and public exposure to a whole new untested range of frequencies and microwave radiation.  Hundreds of thousands of antennas are planned for telephone poles and buildings and the industry has its eye on billions in profits. SpaceX has received permissions to launch an initial saturation phase including two thousand low earth orbit 5G satellites which will be the beginning of a SKYNET like control system. We all know how that ended. This industry push is connected to the Internet of Things,  Artificial Intelligence and total control. That is the real agenda which will be slid into place as we are distracted by these Republican vs Democrat antics. 5G is being installed with total disregard for public health.
Letter to the editor submitted by
Frederick Sinclair
Alfred, NY