
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Allegany Arc recognizes employees

Joanne LaForge, Mike Damiano
Allegany Arc recognized 35+ employees for their commitment and dedication at a recent Staff Recognition Dinner. This year’s dinner was held at the Wellsville Country Club. Mike Damiano, Allegany Arc’s Chief Executive Officer said of the evening, “We are honored to recognize employees for their years of service, dedication, and incredible hard work. To have a diverse group as this representing so many programs and services celebrating such longevity shows the incredible commitment our employees have to people with special needs.”
Thomas Talbett (Board of Directors) celebrated 35 years of service at Allegany Arc in 2016 and Debbie Rosemier celebrated 30 years of service.
Kevin Gildner (Board of Directors), Carol Herring, Joanne LaForge and Tracy Lehman each celebrated 25 years of service.
Employees who were recognized for 20 years of service were Connie Briggs and Susan Fuller.
Employees honored for 15 years of service included Angie Dieter, Heather Hunt, Stacey Kamrowski, Virginia Perry, Malinda Reisman, Tracy Valentine and Bernadette Wheeler.
Employees honored for 10 years of services were Erin Baldwin, Chris Bromley, Courtney Cole, Maria Dannheim, Elizabeth Dimpfl, Venus Nickerson, Benjamin Palmer, Michelle Parris, Barbara Ramsey, John Steiner and Deanna Westbrook.
Employees honored for five years of service included Jessica Bogdan, Candy Burdick, Teresa Elliott, Ken Golish, Julie Harrison, Caroline Hoffman, Devin Jacobs, Meegan Maples, Randi Matteson, Judy Peck, Clarence Smith, Kristen Stilson and Racheal Whitesell.
Mike Damiano concluded, “Any time we have the chance to express our deepest gratitude to employees is a good night. It is my honor to lead such attentive and diligent workers and we are proud of the exemplary work Allegany Arc does each day.”