
Monday, March 10, 2025

Funds being raised to help Elm Valley homeowner

Information from Go Fund Me:

My name is Mike, I am a fellow citizen of Elm Valley (east of Wellsville). I come here today to start a Go Fund Me for Paul Glover, you may know this house just driving by, or Paul and his Produce stand. He has been a life long resident of Elm Valley and has spent an enormous amount of time giving back to the community by having his produce stand from not only here in Elm Valley but also travels to Alfred Almond. Paul has never been one to ask for help, he no longer has any living family who are able to assist. Right now we are intervening needing the communities support to make sure he is taken care of. This project started when Melissa Fuller posted about his water issue asking for community help. Upon investigation we have realized his house is in far worse shape than just minor roof repairs. We have realized a lot of the structural beams are rotted and the whole left side of his house is ready to collapse, this is nothing short of a miracle that it hasn't yet and we do believe God has been on his side keeping that roof from falling in. 

(photo from WKBW-TV)

This no longer can be a simple roof repair and has turned into an emergency situation to get Paul out of there and into something temporary so he has a safe place to rest his head at night. So far a church has worked with us to secure Mr. Glover a 5th wheel to reside in temporarily until funds are secured to break ground this spring. Paul is 82 years old and his generation and how he is physically, he refuses to go into a home, he also refuses agency help because he truly believes there are other people who need it more. This shows perfectly what kind of man Mr. Glover is. And I will do whatever it takes to preserve that kindness and generosity. Paul deserves to stay on the property he grew up on, and to continue giving back the way he knows best, affordable produce. In turn we are asking for community help to construct a tiny home on his property this coming spring. Donations can also be taken by Wellsville Bible Church (check memo "Glover house project").

March 6th, 2025 UPDATE

by John Lauzze, Organizer

Have had a local contractor donated 18 tons of gravel to spread around in the muddy driveway so the workers will have a cleaner spot to work.

Currently we have a group of students from Alfred State that helping to clean up the property so we can proceed with a project. We have some food that was donated by the local Texas Hot restaurant and some chili made by Laura Gardner that was donated.