
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Allegany County Board of Health meeting minutes - just released

Allegany County Board of Health

Meeting Minutes for December 10, 2024


The following board members were present: Timothy LaFever, Dr. Joseph Felsen MD, Dr. Leo Cusumano MD, Dr. Willard Simons, Legislative Representative Janice Burdick

Others present: Tyler Shaw, April Worth, Jami D’Arcy, Emily Owczarzak, Breeyan Barnes, Diane Davis, Jon Chaffee, Ann Weaver

Board Members absent: Dr. Zahi Kassas MD., Dr. David Brubaker MD

Medical Consultant absent: Dr. Saket Prasad

The meeting was called to order by Tyler Shaw at 7:06 pm.

A motion was made by Dr. Cusumano to approve the September 10, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Dr. Simons. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

Tyler Shaw reported personnel changes as follows:

• Diane Davis, Public Health Fellow, was introduced to all present. Mr. Shaw explained that she is working on various Health Department projects, primarily focused on COVID Impacts in the community and implementing our Electronic Medical Record system.

• Mr. Shaw also reported that the Public Health Educator position was filled by Miriam Flamini.

Program updates:

• Syphilis review – NYS recently passed a requirement that pregnant women will be screened for syphilis in their initial bloodwork and then again at 36 weeks gestation. Syphilis is on the rise nationwide, with 2 documented deaths in Erie County from congenital syphilis.

• WIC Program had a Management Evaluation audit completed by NYSDOH with no findings. The final report stated that “noteworthy initiatives were observed in the areas of Personnel, Records and Reports, Breastfeeding, and the Peer Counselor Program.” WIC will also be undertaking a new phone system soon.

• Children’s Services – New efficiencies include electronic communication with Providers through SharePoint.

• Flu Clinic – Coming to an end for the season. Staff utilized a different electronic registration form, and this went well. The clinic will begin electronic billing for immunization visits.

• Environmental Health – Life Science, the regional water lab, recently closed. This has resulted in an increase of sampling for the ACDOH ACCEL Water Lab, jumping from approximately 200 samples per year to approximately 750 samples, to date in 2024.

• Mr. Shaw presented the Board with his 2025 Health Department goals. Jami D’Arcy, Deputy Public Health Director, noted that all departments within the Health Department are consulted with and contribute to completing the department goals. The goals were reviewed, and general discussion followed.

Corporate Compliance:

• Mr. Shaw reported that there was a HIPAA privacy breach in the Children’s Services Dept. An evaluation was sent to an incorrect family in the Preschool Program. Both the intended family and the incorrect family were notified of the error, corrective action and remedial training has been completed with the staff in that department. The corrective action plan was submitted and accepted by the County Privacy Officer, County Attorney, County Administrator. The NYS Department of Education was also notified.

• Meeting minutes from the 10/01/24 Corporate Compliance meeting were presented to the BOH members.

• There were no instances of fraud, waste, or abuse, this quarter.

Jami D’Arcy, Deputy Public Health Director, reported the following:

• HUD Lead Grant

o Ms. D’Arcy reported that there has been a heavy focus on education and outreach for the contractor supervisor/worker training courses that will take place in March 2025; flyers were made and distributed to area businesses, radio/newspaper ads were run, and 3 billboards will go up this month, with additional billboards in January and February.

o We have received the Lead Care II machine and appropriate staff have been trained in its use.

o The SciAps XRF paint/soil analyzer, for use in lead detection, will be ordered in early 2025.

o 2 RRP (renovation, repair, painting) trainings for contractors and landlords were held, with a total of 14 participants.

o Dr. Felsen inquired about the ACDOH’s role in the lead abatement process. Ms. D’Arcy explained that a timeline has been created for the abatement process and all staff will have assigned roles. All lead abatement applications will be reviewed, all approved applications will then have a Tier 1/Tier 2 review by the Environmental Health Director for environmental factors, a Technician will then perform an assessment and inspection of the property. Once all steps have been completed and received final approval, the qualified properties will then be placed on state websites for contractors to review and bid on.

April Worth, Director of Patient Services, reported that the ACDOH LHCSA license was surrendered on 10/28/2024. We will no longer be participating in or reporting on the LHCSA Program. Immunization Program: 144 regular immunizations were provided in the last quarter and 258 flu vaccines provided through the month of October.

• NYSDOH has been reviewing county schools for compliance in student immunizations.

• Ms. Worth reported that she and the Supervising Public Health Educator have met with the Headmasters of Amish communities regarding immunizations and PKUs. Reproductive and Sexual Health (R&SH): A total of 9 clinics were held with 76 patients seen. There were 48 STI investigations conducted through the Health Department, in the last quarter.

• Ms. Worth reported that ACDOH will now be tracking syphilis testing.

• There were no Clinic Satisfaction Survey results to report this quarter, as there was no client participation in the surveys. A new method to obtain survey results from clients will be implemented, moving forward.

• 2025 will be an IPRO review year for the Patient Services Department. Tuberculosis (TB): There are currently no TB cases being monitored. Lead Poisoning Prevention Program nursing staff is currently monitoring 30 children.

• Ms. Worth stated that reminder mailings for 1-year and 2-year lead testing continue to be mailed out; 75 letters were mailed for 1-year-old children and 79 letters for 2-year-old children, last quarter. Ms. Worth reported that there was a total of 118 communicable disease reports conducted (Shiga toxin, Campylobacter), in the last quarter.

Accidents/Incidents/Complaints – Nothing to report.

Emily Owczarzak, Environmental Health Director, reported that, to date, there have been 4 positive specimens for rabies, 2 raccoons and 2 bats, in the towns of Hume, Allen, and Wellsville.

• ACDOH has provided 590 rabies vaccinations at rabies clinics, in 2024.

• Ms. Owczarzak stated that 25 human post exposure treatments were approved. Ms. Owczarzak reported that there are currently 23 open lead cases. Environmental Health staff were able to close 24 existing cases, to date in 2024.

ATUPA Updates are as follows:

• Possible legislation pending regarding vape products. Emily will bring updates if/when laws change.

Ms. Owczarzak presented updates to the Water Sample Fee Schedule to the Board. Current Municipal/Private water

samples would be raised from $30/$60 to $35/$70, a 13.5% increase. The ACCEL water lab has not seen any price increases since its beginning. After review, the Board of Health made a recommendation to accept the proposed price increase. This proposal will now move to Legislature for final approval.

PPAC representatives Jon Chaffee and Ann Weaver presented various cannabis use facts, statistics, and legislation to the Board of Health.

Old Business – Officer nominations for the 2025 – 2026 BOH rotation were presented, Dr. Cusumano nominated for BOH

President and Jan Burdick nominated for BOH Vice President. A motion to accept this nomination was made by Dr. Felsen. Motion seconded by Dr. Simons. All in Favor, Motion Carried.

New Business –

General Discussion –

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:47pm by Tim LaFever, seconded by Dr. Simons. All in Favor, Motion


Respectfully submitted,

Breeyan Barnes

Confidential Secretary to the Public Health Director