
Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission (ORES) has issued a final siting permit for the Alfred Oaks solar farm. The project, located in the Town of Alfred, Allegany County, will generate 100-megawatts (MW) of clean, renewable energy and includes a 20 MW co-located battery storage facility. Once operational, the facility will reduce carbon emissions by over 87,250 metric tons annually, equivalent to removing more than 49,400 cars from the road. The project will produce enough electricity to power more than 13,000 average-sized houses.


“New York continues to take major steps toward creating a clean energy economy,” Governor Hochul said. “With the issuance of this siting permit, we are creating good-paying, family-sustaining jobs in Western New York, while providing clean sustainable energy for our families and businesses.”


Today's announcement marks the 16th major renewable energy facility permit issued by ORES since 2021. In total, these permits represent over 2.4 gigawatts of new clean energy. This success highlights New York's climate leadership and reflects the most rapid pace of major renewable energy facility approvals in State history.


The Alfred Oaks solar farm will consist of rows of photovoltaic panels, associated infrastructure, a battery storage facility, and an overhead transmission line connecting to the existing 115-kilovolt (kV) Andover-Palmiter Road transmission line owned and operated by New York State Electric & Gas Corporation.


Construction of the facility will create over 170 full-time jobs, generating approximately $22.8 million in earnings as well as two full-time equivalent jobs during operation with an estimated $120,000 in annual earnings.


Alfred Oaks Solar LLC, the project developer, is expected to provide significant funding to the county, towns and school districts in the form of payment-in-lieu of taxes and host community agreements to invest in infrastructure, additional services, and resources for residents in the communities hosting the facility.


Supervisor of the Town of Alfred Fion MacCrea said, “the Alfred Oaks Solar project represents significant, necessary change in energy production. Rural New York State towns like Alfred are on the forefront of these new investments, whose large scale installations come with costs and rewards. Our experience so far in Alfred has shown that ORES, DEC, and other State offices are important players in assuring the responsible and equitable development of projects statewide. We look forward to ongoing engagement with state leaders who support local government participation in New York's cleaner energy future.”



The Alfred solar farm application was deemed complete on January 16, 2024, and a draft permit was issued by ORES on March 18, 2024. Following the issuance of the draft permit, ORES accepted written public comment for 60 days and held a public comment hearing on May 29, 2024. ORES’ decision follows a thorough, timely, and transparent review process ensuring compliance with Article VIII of the New York State Public Service Law and its implementing regulations.


This project and other major renewable energy facilities permitted and currently under ORES review are part of New York ‘s broader strategy to work towards the targets of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act’s (Climate Act), which mandates 70 percent renewable electricity by 2030 and a zero-emissions electricity sector by 2040.

For more information about the Alfred Oaks project and other ORES solar projects, visit the ORES website at