
Friday, April 5, 2024

Steuben supports Fire Up New York Red

BATH – The Steuben County Courthouse in Bath will be bathed in red through Apr. 14 in recognition of the 15th annual RecruitNY campaign sponsored by the Firefighters Association of the State of New York.

The “Fire Up New York Red” looks to illuminate both the crucial work of local firefighters and the pressing need for additional volunteers.

“We want or ‘fire up’ the state in red this April for firefighter recruitment,” said Steuben County Public Safety Director Tim Marshall. “We would like everyone in the county to join us and turn their lights red in support of this initiative.”

Marshall reports that many volunteer fire departments throughout the county face decreased membership but an increasing call volume. “Our volunteer firefighters respond to far more call today than in the past, he said. “That includes medical calls, flooded basements, downed trees and power lines, automobile accidents, rescues, recoveries and the new challenge of lithium battery fires, the list goes on and on.

Bolstering the ranks of volunteer fire service is critical to providing the essential levels of protection for residents, Marshall said. However, recruitment and retention of volunteers has become more difficult in recent years due to the turbulent economy, busy lives and schedules, and other lifestyle factors, he said. “If you have ever had the urge to give back to your community, now is the time,” Marshall said. “The volunteer fire service needs you!