
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Wellsville Lions Club stock Genesee River with trout

Lion Tom Farmer depositing trout into the Genesee (photo provided)

The Wellsville Lions Club is dedicated to serve the greater Wellsville Community in keeping with Our Motto: “We Serve.”   In spite of the COVID-19 problem the Lion’s Club continues its efforts to serve the community.  As everyone is aware the Trout Derby sponsored by the Lions Club for the end of April had to be cancelled due to the virus.  However, fishing has not been cancelled as long as one observes the social distance practice of keeping 6 feet apart.  The Lions Club in conjunction with the Fishery Office of the DEC Region 9 have agreed to stock the Genesee River with the 450 trout that were to be used for the Derby.  The river should be stocked by the time this announcement is published.  That is the latest Lions gift to the community and the Lions particularly responsible for this latest effort are Dean Arnold, Chair of the Trout Derby Committee ( and Bruce Hand (  So, get outside, breath some fresh air and try to experience some degree of normalcy.   
Ed Tezak
PR Wellsville Lions Club