
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Letter: Former Alfred Mayor opposes planned utility hike

To the Alfred Village Board,

I am writing to request that you reconsider the planned utility rate increases.
For the last decade the Village of Alfred has done an excellent job charting a path of financial stability and predictability for its residents. This reality has gone a long way to refuting one of the prevalent arguments against a homeowner investing in the village: that it has “the highest taxes around”. Today we are much more competitive, as evidenced by the generally strong sales of single family homes (and property in general) in recent years. I know firsthand the work this tax stability has taken, and thank you for your efforts.
However, a 37% increase in a utility rate undoes all this work. It is the stuff of infamy and will become your legacy. It is a “wild swing” indicative of financial instability as well as a lack of planning and foresight. Most importantly, it is a disincentive to remain a village resident and will be a repellent to investment, undoing in a single stroke a decade of hard work building our reputation as a well-managed municipality. These rate increases will live on in the collective memory for many years. Bottom line - they will hurt our community. This is especially true when combined with all the other proposed double digit utility rate increases - figures below - plus a property tax rate increase!
I propose a more measured response. Plan for single-digit increases for however many years it takes. For example, instead of a 37% increase in the sewer rate this year, plan for five years of 8 or 9% increases. This will take some financial strategy but will avoid the negative implications described above. It also provides time for us to plan our way out of this and for households to adjust budgets. If costs are controlled differently maybe we won’t have to increase them for 5 years in a row. I believe residents would welcome hearing the options.
Thank you,
Justin Grigg
Village of Alfred Planning Board 2005-2013
Village of Alfred Mayor 2013-2017
Sewer rate increase 37.17%
Fire Protection rate increase 15.38%
Sewer Bond rate increase 13.11%
Water rate increase 12.67%
Property tax rate increase 1.73%