
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Allegany County COVID-19 cases increase to 25; week started with 17

Press Release
April 9, 2020 COVID-19

In the United States, there are currently over 457,100 COVID-19 cases, and there have been more than 16,200 deaths. New York State recorded its highest single-day death toll due to the COVID-19 virus for the third day in a row, and more than 7,000 people in New York State have lost their lives because of the virus. This is a dark day for all residents of New York State. Each death represents a person, not just a number, and our thoughts and prayers go out to every family member or friend who has lost a loved one to the COVID-19 virus.

Now, more than ever, we need to support and reach out to others. Many times we feel like our contribution is too small or insignificant to help the masses so we do nothing. However, if we work together and each agree to reach out to one, we can have a tremendous impact. Be that phone call or deed that encourages someone else today.

The other way we can really make an impact and slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus is to stay home, and if you can’t stay home, avoid contact with others, practice social distancing, remain diligent with personal hygiene, and limit exposure in your communities.

Allegany County’s statistics as of 3:00 p.m. on April 9, 2020, are as follows:

Confirmed Cases: 25

COVID-19 Related Deaths: 1

Total Quarantined/Isolated to Date: 275

Released from Quarantine/Isolation: 207

Currently Quarantined/Isolated: 70