
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Can you hear me now? Allegany County lawmakers postpone $50,000+ sound system

From the minutes of the Allegany County Ways & Means committee meeting held November 19, 2018:

Clerk of the Board Brenda Rigby Riehle stated they received a quote to put microphones on legislative desks, and the cost exceeded $50,000. Mrs. Riehle asked the Board for the direction they wish to go with the sound system in the Chambers, stating they will have a gooseneck microphone that will have the capability to move from desk to desk, as well as the portable microphones and stands they can use. Legislator Root stated that the only time she had a hard time hearing was from the back table where management now sits. Mrs. Riehle suggested putting a couple of the portable microphones on their table to allow for better sound. Legislator Graves suggested holding off until the new heating units are installed as they are the biggest culprit for blocking sound, and they may find the problem goes away once the old units do. Committee Chairman Stockin agreed and stated they will wait on any further decisions until the new heating units are installed.