
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

State audit completed, released for Town of Genesee

A recent state audit was released address disbursements made by the Town of Genesee. While most findings were of a positive nature, some issues were raised. According to the audit summary:
Disbursements were properly accounted for, audited and/or certified, where required, and were for legitimate town expenditures. However, the town clerk and the firm's accountant are able to make disbursements without the supervisor's knowledge. Auditors examined disbursements and wire transfers totaling approximately $617,000 and found that the supervisor did not control the custody of his signature stamp and allowed the clerk to affix his signature to checks.
Town Supervisor Donald Jordan said he agrees with most of the findings, but he did raise two points with the auditor. Jordan pointed out the a major fire ravaged the town hall followed by the death of the Town Clerk. You can read the full report and response HERE.